Unedited chap. Three (Virgil's pov)

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(Draft version)

I ignore the clothes on the bed for now and continue to look at this new scenery, the room was connected to a huge bathroom, and a walk-in-closet. The only window --That didn't open-- told me that I was in some kind of mansion on a mountain and the drop below would definitely kill me, the impact would snap my neck or I would bleed out but other then that The only thing that made this room feel like a cage was the white locked door Thomas came from but nothing else, there where no camera or bugs and I checked twice just to make sure I didn't miss anything. I don't understand why the heroes that I have fought and tried to kill again and again would just leave me alone in their house, with Thomas Sanders, they know I want him. Every bad guy wants him, even some heroes and my theory is to use him as a weapon to fight the other side, h*ll even a small part of me wants me to make him help me with something that was unclear to me, like it was a distant memory or dream which felt weird because it was something I wanted.

"Are you done?" I heard a shout come from the other side of the door

"No." I bark back and quickly grab the clothes and rushed to the bathroom, I needed to get changed before he thinks I'm doing anything else, I slip the suit off and I stare at my bare chest and legs for a few seconds, the bruise, the burns, and the cuts scattered all over but nothing too serious, I will heal soon enough.

"Now?" He calls snapping me out of my thought

"No!" I grab the Mauve colored shirt I was provided and pulled it over my head before putting on the skinny jeans and walking back out to the main room. I grabbed the jacket I left on the bed and put it on

"Now?!" He shouts impatiently 

"Oh, my go- no!" I run into the bathroom and grab the suit, looking around for a spot to hide it. I run into the bedroom after failing to find a good spot. I notice the dresser and shoved it into the bottom drawer

"Please, now?" I make a note of his impatientness

"Yes" I finally say

I heard him sigh as he slipped through the door with a smile "Oh good, I thought you would take forever" 

I roll my eyes and looked around once again out of boredom, I needed to get out of this room or at least do something 

"So Patton left me a note saying they won't be home for a while, do you want to watch a movie or something" I shrug and nodded. He walked over to the dresser and grabbed the remote before walking to the bed and sitting down. I followed him and sat on the other side. The silence was awkward for the both of us as he scrolled down the genres "So um the clothes look good on you, a little big maybe but it looks like your style, kinda matches your makeup"

"What makeup?" I ask

"Er all that black eyeshadow and the lines that make the stitches kind of thing on your cheek"

"This isn't makeup..."

"It isn't?" he tilted his head softly


"Whoa. that's so cool, Are they a birthmarks kind of thing?"

"I don't know, but I didn't have it when I was younger, they only showed up a couple years ago"

"Do you have any others?"

"Why are you so interested in my life?" I groan and snatched the remote from his hands tired of him passing the good movies

"Because mine is boring," Thomas said 

"Oh come on, you? Thomas freakin Sanders has a boarding life"

"How would you know if my life is boarding or not?" He asked, "Are you from the company? Did you read my file? "  

"File?"I  turn my head to my side to look at him with a puzzled look

"Well yeah, Everyone who is from the company has one, even Patton, Roman, and Logan have one" He already said the name Patton, I tried my best to act uninterested but he was an idiot for opening up and telling me these things, their names, that the heroes, Patton, Logan, and Roman aren't alone, that have helped, allies, maybe someone they will die for. I smiled softly

"Tell me about them."I inquire

He scratches his head "Hm, well Patton acts like our father, he's also the oldest with Logan only a year younger- oh Logan likes books and teaching me thing, And Roman, he's about five...-ish years older than me and way over dramatic. "

"are they your brothers?" 

"Pfft, I wish I least then I would know who my family is. " He chuckled softly

I nod softly "Then who are they"

"They're supposed to take care of me, I guess... that's why they're a team. Because I have the same power as them-" He stops himself and shakes his head. I guess I wasn't going to get anything else from him for now.

"Alright how about this one?" He looks up at the tv

"Ooh Aladdin, my favorite " Thomas lit up "Have you seen it?"

"No, it looks interesting" 

"Aw man, I should have made popcorn. "He looks at me for a minute " It will only take five minutes, okay? I'll be right back" he shot up and ran out the door, slamming it close before I can answer. I roll my eyes and chuckle, He's funny I'll give him that much, It'll make me sad if my parents kill him.

I sigh and look at the clock, He's been gone longer than five minutes which made me uneasy, he wasn't the type to lie, was he? no, he wasn't. He's too nice. Liers are like snakes, with their honey voices and deceitful attitude. I sigh angrily and pull the hood over my eyes, laying down. I can see the pearl colored ceiling from behind my hair and cloth for what felt like forever until I finally give up on Thomas and sat up, reaching for the remote. I wanted to watch a movie, I didn't want to think right now. I heard the door click open and I looked up, I only could see half of Thomas' face, but I could tell he looked so sad, so betrayed. 

"You didn't tell me you where a bad guy " His brittle voice spoke as he pushes the door wide open and I see the three heroes looking at me with mixed emotions. I jump up and push my body against the corner of the two walls, narrowing my eyes as we all stay motionless and soundless.


*Loudly sighs* 1169 words later and I have finished (ಥ﹏ಥ) 

Have a butterfly for no reason Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

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