unedited chapt.eight (patton&thirdPOV)

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I've been gone for a while, I've been mentally at my worse for a while but I have those times where I want to see tomorrow and I remember everything I believe in. I'm sorry that I disappeared

I'm just hoping I'm here to stay now

≈flash back≈

"You're ten now." They told me without the normal smile they had on "it's time you grew up" they didn't laugh after that, it wasn't a joke.

I followed, watching the colours from the painted walls disappeared in a depressing gray with no pictures on them, not even a crayon marking.

"Listen to me J15-0M1-217 you'll be pared with another. Both of you will be in charge of taking care of two younger trainies. Like we where but you'll be the one to make sure that they are fed, clean, and Healthy. Like I did"

"Like a parent?" I asked

"Sorta" he sighed and turned to look at me "listen, don't use that word J15-0M1-217. You're not suppose to know what it means"

I giggled "but I do"

"You'll get in trouble"

"Why? You where the one who told me"

"Okay I'll get in trouble. Do you want me to get in trouble"

"Of course not" I shook my head

"Then come on let's go"

"Go where?" I walked beside him, my eyes darting left to right

"Your new home. Florida"

"Floor-dea? Where's that"

"It's pronounced Florida. And in America"

"Am-Americas far away" I looked at him with my head tilted

He nodded and sigh "yes, yes it is"

I stopped walking and looked at him "I don't wanna leave Romania. I like it here" I turned around to go back but he grabbed my shoulder I was whipped around and he was kneeling on my level. His brown covered his golden eyes.

"J15-0M- ugh J15 you can't choose what you want. Im sorry"

"I like Romania"

"You'll like Florida"

"I like you,M03, and A16"

He sighed "I'm sorry. It's not your choice, either is mine. If it was up to me you'll be here forever. Safe."

"Safe from what?"

"Humans" he stood up and grabbed my hand "come on J15 once you're in Florida you get a name. Just like you always wanted"

I gasped and jumped up and down "Really?!"

He chuckled and nodded

I held his arm tightly trying to hide behind him but he only pushed me towards them "it's okay... J15-0M1-217 just don't say anything" he whispered before leaving.

I watched him leave with sad eyes. I watched them draw my blood with boring eyes.
I watched them implant something under the skin between my middle and index finger.
I watched and watched without saying anything, without asking the question I should have asked... I wished I had asked because next thing I know they kick me out to wait by the front door, waiting for the man who's name I did not know. The one who wanted to protect me from humans, but they wheren't so bad

"J15" he said I looked up at him and smiled

"You're back! I'm sorry I didn't wait in there, they kicked me out"

"It's fine there busy, have a lot of people to see today" he ruffled my hair and we started walking again.

We walked and walked he told me things about Florida, which sounded fun.

"What now ?" He froze in the middle of the hall and let go of my hand. I tilted my head "are you okay?"

"I'm sorry" he shook his head
" J15, now we take you to leave"

I reached out for his hand and he grabbed mine "what did they name you?"

"I'm not suppose to tell you" he bit his lip

"You weren't suppose to tell me a lot of things"

"You're right... My name is.." he leaned it closer and whispered in my ear "Cooper." He leaned out and smiled "shh"

I giggled "shh"

"I'll miss you.." I whispered

"Who wouldn't" Cooper joked softly "hey if it was up to me we would have stayed one big family"


"Yes... Family. Me and Alice where the parents, I was the dad, she was the mom, you and M03 where our children " Alice must have been A16

"If it was up to you... What would you name me?"

Cooper bit his lip "uhm. I don't know. "

"Where's M03 going Cooper?"

"Australia I think. Alice is with her right now"

"What will happen to you and Alice"

"Where going in the field, together. Right here"

"Why couldn't we stay with you?"

"I don't know. But sometimes you can go to the field with your family if there powers are useful at the place"

"There leaving" he pointed out, I looked over at the plane, the last couple of people where getting in

"Goodbye Cooper" I whispered

"Maybe we'll see each other again, maybe we won't but remember J15 you'll make a new family, a better one. Be kind, and if you fight with the handler you're protecting the trainies with, just remember to think about their side of the the fight"

"Please don't let me go" I hugged him and he held me close

"I'll away be together" he pulled out a penny and handed it to me

"Alice found two and I used my powers to write our codes in it"

"Thank you" I held it tightly in my palm

"Now go" he stood straight "go protect the one who can't protect them selves. Make your old and new family proud"


Patton sighed as he pushed away some of Romans stuff, noticed a small silver box under his pillows.

He reached out and pulled it toward him
"Roman here!"

"Thank God!" Roman laughed and hugged his friend

"Go put it back before Logan realizes"

Roman nodded and walked away holding the laptop in his arm, "thanks again" he called out

Patton smiled softly and spoke to himself as he began to clean up the mess they created "I'm making everyone proud, oh God I hope I make everyone proud"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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