unedited Chapt.seven (Thomas&Patton's Pov)

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~~welcome to a filler chapter~~


Sometimes I get cold for no reason. I lived in Florida so I just thought it was our weather but when questions about 'Virgil' formed in my head like I was reading a book, I got cold, I thought maybe if I said them it would stop but soon as they made their way towards my mouth flowers grew inside of my lungs and ice formed in the back of my throat pushing away any control of my vocals, leaving me soundness and confused.

I don't think Roman has any idea who Virgil is either, Logan and Patton swore that we all where family and Roman says 'where' is the key word. Family has always been the one thing Roman cared about, other then helping people and I'm Confident that Roman is more confused then me right now, he either cancels training or doubled the work and for the years I've own him I had figured out that when he does that somethings wrong.

I do want to see Virgil again, but I'm too afraid, so, I stay disconnected from him, I spend a lot of my time now in my room alone, leaving for food or whatever was out there that I needed to live. Roman and Logan left me alone but I guess Patton had other plans, he knocked on my door with a plate of cookies as a bribe. Which worked.

"It looks like you wanna say something' Thomas. You can if you wanna, that's why I'm here. To answer any questions you have" Patton paused, finishing the cookie he had in his hand. " er, if you don't tell Logan"

I shook my head and shifted softly, my eyes locked into the half-eaten cookie in my hands. Patton leaned back resting his head on the bed board

"Well then I'll talk" I could feel him shake the bed a little as he went to grab another cookie "it felt like we lost him only year ago but to be honest I lost track, I had to grow up very fast, we all did. Especially Virgil. He was one of your closest friends you know" I looked up at Patton "of course you wouldn't know that," Patton frowned once he said that " they took your memory away. Roman's too..."

"Then how do you remember him" it wasn't a question. It was something more, even though I said it softly I was angry, angry that if he was one of my best friends, apart of my family why was he a bad guy "how do you know this isn't a trick, you told me I should be afraid of him"

"That's harder to explain Thomas. Your memory of Virgil was deleted"

"By Logan?"


"Then who?" I leaned towards Patton, who avoided my eye contact by bitting into a cookie

"You, Thomas. You're powerful enough to delete memories. Only five people we know of can do that I know You take them but can't give them back, on the other hand Logan has found out how to give them back and not take them. But the other three, I'm not sure what they can do."

"Why would I take them away?!" I almost yelled that

"It wasn't your choice!" he looked at me which made my mood immediately change, I wasn't sure if he just had used his powers to do so or just I felt gluilt for not realizing I hadn't noticed he was trying not to cry.

"I tried to stop them. I swear I did Thomas, I wasn't strong enough, they took you and Roman away right after I lost Virgil! And when you came back you didn't remember me neither did Roman."

I thought that if I spoke about this I wouldn't be cold but in truth I only felt colder, but I knew it wasn't coldness so why was I calling it that? Why can't I just swallow the flowers and say I'm in pain that no one had ever told me about this. About a part of my life for God's sake!
"Why didn't you tell me. Why did they take my memories and not yours?"

"They said if we told you and Roman they would take you guys away from us. I couldn't lose anymore of my family" Patton sighed and wiped his eyes with the sleeves of the jumper he was wearing. Even when he was in pain he smiled at me
"I'm sorry"

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