unedited Chapt.six (virgils pov)

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I hated how I believes and trusted every word that came from their mouths that day.
Every time I fell asleep I got visions of me being taught how to make a fort made of pillows, chairs, stacks of books, and blankets  in a small room.
Fuzzy memories when I closed my eyes to blink I was hit with pictures of faceless shells of  children taking me to some sort of garden, showing me how to make all sorts of things using a simple deck of cards.

The worst part was whenever I thought of my so-called mother and father I would only think of the flaws, the things that should have told me that it was all a lie.

I could feel the space behind my eyes fill up with water that stun as it trailed down my cheeks. other memories felt so real that I just thought it was from a sad movie i wasn't allowed to but I watched anyways as a simple child, I  didn't even stop to think I was actually crying.

I wish it all would just stop and let me not relive a part of my life that I didn't know I even had for five minutes but I couldn't really be angry at logic- Logan for doing this to me, I asked for it, I asked if he could give the memories they stole from me. He told me that he could only destroy the wall they made between the old memories and the new memories.

I huffed and shifted, tugging the sheets closer to my body. The one thing that annoys me and doesn't involve my brain hitting me with flashes of memories, was the wrist band on my right wrist, it didn't hurt me or anything it was just that the fact that it locked powers away and after awhile it made me feel empty, hopefully I could gain there trust and they would take it off.

I hadn't seen Thomas since we where going to watch that movie. I'm not sure if he avoiding me by choice or not, he probably just hates me, I been trying to kidnap him after all.

Why should I even care if he hates me or not.

Why do I even care if he hates me or not.

With the mental wall being broken I no longer wanted to hurt Thomas, I could care less about his powers, I just wanted to protect him and be with him like when we where younger. Of course he doesn't know. I wasn't even sure if the hero's knew that.

I breathed out heavily and turned to lay on my back, remembering what Logan said on how to pause the flow on old memories. So that's what I tried to do.

'If it gets too much for you. You can find me or try to focus on a recent memory. Maybe even this one' Logan said holding his hand out for me to take it. I didn't say anything I just nodded softly. Patton had gone after Roman who stormed away after I asked him to make me remember.

'How does this even work?' I took his hand

'It's simple. All I need to do is break the wall they build in your brain. You'll feel very weak after and very tired'

'Will I pass out?'

'Most likely' he adjusted his glasses

I swallowed anxiously and looked at our connected hands regretting this slightly.

'Relax' Logan spoke, his expression read that he understood my emotions which I thought only Patton could do  'ready?' he asked

'No' I replied

'Oh well' he chuckled

That was the last thing I could remember that day. I woke up back in the room very weak and tired with my brain burning and hitting skull. There was Tylenol and a plastic water waiting for me. I took them immediately and tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't because I kept remembering good happy things. And disappointing sad things.

Hey sorry this was delayed a month because I was in our car and we where hit from the back and hurt my left hand really bad so it hurt too much to write and I was told to stay off of social media for the car accident law sue case but I got too anxious so I just decided to post this anyways. also yesterday was fourth of July and I was handed a fire work and told 'hold this' but what I wasn't told was to throw it after they lit it so I held a firework as it went off and burned my right hand so both hands are injured. And yes I did write this with two horrible, shaking, hurt hands.

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