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He now was back in Korea.

The news were starting to tell that Marks dissapeareance has been a misunderstanding and that his whereabouts were now clear again.

Mark was feeling guilty for making his members worried, he didn't mean to scare them in any way.

Guilty for not telling anyone where he was going.

He was scared to face the members again.

He didn't knew what to say to them.

He was already imagining their reactions.

They would surely be mad at him for just leaving.

But he still had to go back to the dorms.

So he went there and knocked on the door.

The door was opened by Jinyoung who immediately pulled him inside and hugged him tightly.

"You are finally back! We were all so worried and so happy when you called Jaebum! God, don't do this to us ever again. Anyways. welcome home.", said Jinyoung.

"I'm back...Thanks for waiting for me and not being mad at me.", amswered Mark and Jinyoung pulled him into the living room where all the others were.

As soon as they saw him, they jumped up and engulfed (is that even a word?Yes, it is. I looked it up XD) him with a Group hug.

They all pulled away and Jaebum now was hugging the life out of Mark.

"I was so scared you wouldn't come back!", whispered Jaebum silently, so only Mark could hear him.

"I'm sorry for making you worried..I'm back.", whispered Mark back and the two of them just stayed like this, hugging each other.

Until they heard a cough. From their Manager.

"I'm sorry to disturb your couple moment, Markbum be honored, but I hope no one of you will do anything like this in the future. I don't want to deal with you depressive kids again!", said the Manager and they all smiled at him.

The Manager left and they all were celebrating that Mark was back.

But they couldn't help but wonder why Mark was in America.

Jaebum decided he would ask him the next day, because they were all tired and went to sleep early.

double update since it's almost new years, yaayyy

I hope you enjoyed

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