Chapter 1

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Dedicated to Snivylover489 for being a awesome friend and fellow Wheeljack fangirl

Today was a good day for Miko. She had skipped detention without anyone noticing, she got a B+ on a quiz...without cheating, and she would get to spend the entire day with Wheeljack!

She waited happily outside the school waiting for her charge to pick her up. Miko waited awhile and decided to listen to Slashmonkey while she waited. The Asian teen subtly headbanged to the beat of the music.

Something caught her eye.

She noticed Jack.

Miko waved, but he seemed to look right past her, she turned around to she him smiling at S-Soh-what's-her-face. Miko rolled her eyes. She never wanted to learn her name, knowing she would stalk the girl and end her in her sleep...but turn again, we all have our qwerks.

Shrugging it off, Miko pulled out her phone and looked through pictures, her keep stakes, the ones not even Bulkhead saw...there we're mostly battle scenes that Ratchet told her to delete,  Some of Bee and Arcee...who should totally get together, a video of Wheeljack talking about a femme named Firestar in his recharge, and one or 22 pictures of Jack....

The sound of horn pulled her attention away.

Miko looked up and smiled. Bulkhead popped the door open and the teen hopped in.

" Hey kid! How was school?" Her charge asked. Miko turned on the radio and played a imaginary guitar.

" Awesome! I made a B+ on a quiz! Skipped mention and Hit a dude for flirting with me!"

The wrecker chuckled.

" That's my girl...."

The two drove down the dusty road from Jasper that led to the Autobot base. Both bot and human were rocking out to Bohemiem rap city, not a dramatic change from Slashmonkey, but it was fun to listen to.

Bulkhead slid to a stop. Miko realized they had arrived and jumped out as soon as he opened the door.

" FREEEEDOOOOMMMM!!!!" The girl shouted twirling in circles and waving her arms.

" MIKO! I'm trying to work!" The medic shouted from his computer. Miko rolled her eyes and scoffed.

" VVVvvvvAaaaRrrOooom!"

Miko spun on her heal to see a yellow sports can and blue motorcycle pull up.

Seeing the two together caused a evil grin to spread on her face. When Raf and Jack had walked off from their charges, the two bots transformed.

.: Beep whiiir beep bloop :. The scout beeped at the teen giving her a small wave.

" Bee...." Miko said seriously to the scout.

" I have no idea what you just said but I think you and Arcee should go out."

A surprised cough/choke was heard from the kids area.

" MIKO!?!?" Shouted Jack, which only caused the girl to laugh.

Bumblebee and Arcee gave Miko a confused look.

.:: Whiirrlll Wep beep beep?::.

Raf who was helping out Ratchet shook his head and adjusted his glasses.

" You don't want to know what that means Bee...."

The scout just shrugged and glanced at the femme who returned the gesture.

" You humans are so weird...." the medic whispered quietly as he worked. Miko climbed next to him.

" Ratchet."

No response

" Ratchet."

No response.

" Raaaaatcheeet!!!"

" WHAT!?!?!?" the medic snapped turning his helm towards her. Miko waved and grinned.

" Hi!" She said innocently. Ratchet fummed and picked up a wrench.

" Why you little-"

" Ratchet..." said the deep voice of Optimus.

" Prepare the groundbridge, Wheeljack just commed, and he's going to help out while the team and I our gone to help Fowler."

The medic groaned.

" Ooooh, why why why....couldn't it have been...anyone else?!"

Optimus shook his helm.

"  Sorry old friend....someone needs to watch the humans while we're gone."

The medic just scoffed.

" Ms.Darby might show up...." the leader added.

" For Primus sake Optimus....I never gave you a hard time about Elita!" He said ins hushed but quite whisper. His friend gave him the " right " look.

Ratchet rolled his optics and opened the bridge.

The sound of a sports car driving through filled the base and the familiar sound of a transformation took place.

" The Jack is back!!!! " shouted the red, green and white wrecker.

" How's it rolling Sunshine!!!"

" Speak to me again and this wrench will have to be surgically removed from you optic...." he growled. Wheeljack threw his servos up defensively.

" Shessh....ok..."

Miko ran over to the mech and laughed.

" Hey! Jackie!" She yelled waving from her place on the ground. The wrecker chuckled and placed her on his shoulder plate.

" hey kid! How's life treating ya?"

" Would be better with explosion...."

Optimus walked in and stopped, catching everyone's attention.

" Thank you Wheeljack for offering your service to help. Me and my team will return before the day ends...."

Ratchet huffed but prepared a groundbridge to the location Agent Fowler had sent.

The bots said farewell to their charges and walked though the bright light.

When it vanished Miko sighed.

" Rat-"

" DON'T YOU DARE START THAT! I have work to leave me alone!"

Wheeljack mocked the medic's facial expression causing the teen to laugh.

" Yo Miko...wanna blow-"

" Don't! Don't! Even think it! You piece of slagg!!!!"

The wrecker huffed

" and some like to suck the joy out of everything....hey Miko, I've got a new invention I'm gonna work on, wanna come?"

The Asian girl nodded.

" Is the grass green Sherlock?"

Wheeljack chuckled.

" I'll take that as a yes."

" Don't destroy the base, if you do I will end your life!" Ratchet called out as the two trouble makers left the room.

Sitting on the couch Jack sighed.

" What are we going to do with those two...."

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