Chapter 5

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" Dino Bots?" Miko asked with disbelief. The small wrecked nodded.

" What the heck is a dino bot?!" The teen questioned, excited at the thought of more bots. Wheeljack frowned and crossed his tiny arms.

" Well....they like us....but they twrn to Dinoswars and not cars."

Miko closed her eyes and began to squeal happily. Wheeljack, on the other hand was confused at het actions and raised a optic at the teen.

" Wiko...why are you making that swound?"

" Dino bots?! You just said there are autobots that turn into dinosaurs!!!! That's scraping awesome!!!!" The asian shouted, jumping up in excitement.

" Wiko....they're not Autobots....they...well have a idea of their own....but they not bad! Oh and they not very smart...." he added.  Miko shrugged.

" That's still awesome! " she smirked, but paused soon in thought.

" Uhhh are ya going to contact them, even more so, get to them?"

The mini wrecker gave her a adorable but evil grin and held out a com.

" I stole this frem Watchet!" He beemed proudly, handing the small device to Miko, who was pondering on how he snatched it.  The teen sat on her bed and looked at the comm, Wheeljack fumbled over and sat next to her, pointing a chubby digital at the stolen device.

" Dis wight here, is a pwrsonal comm it will wink to only dat signal, and no-one else can listen on de conversation." He informed matter-o-factly. Miko nodded and looked at it closely.

" So how are we going to get a hold of them?" He asked.

" The Dino bots?"

Wheeljack took the comm from Miko and turned it on.

" I and one udder bot know their pwrsonal comm link....but I.zink de udder guy is dead...but I dun know" he rambled as he worked. Within several minutes, Wheeljack had entered the comm unit and was waiting for them to pick up. The sparkling sighed.

" Wiko, should I talk to dem, or you? Cause wha if dey dun recognize me?" He asked, slightly worried. Miko gave a sly chuckle.

" Jackie, if they don't recognize your voice, hold something over their heads, something only you would know about them...I do that to Jack and Raf all the time."

The now tiny wrecker nodded.

" You wight....and seeing I'm one of der few friends, it won't be hard."

Somewhere in the deep jungles of Africa....

Swoop watched as Grimlock and Snarl fought again. It was over a senseless matter really. Snal was sleeping where Grimlock wanted to, so Grimlock proclaiming he was king, told Snarl to move.

Bad choice.

Don't ever wake a Dino bot. As humans say: Let sleeping dogs lie.

The flying bot shook his helm. By this time, they probably forgot what they were fighting about. But Slag and Slug weren't helping by cheering on the fight.

Suddenly, a uncommon beep filled his Audio receptors. Due to being slightly more intelligent then the other dino bots, Swoop recognized it has a incoming comm.

" ALL OF YOU BE QUITE!!!" He shouted. All the bots looked at the flying bot in surprise.

" Me Grimlick leader! You Swoop can't tell me Grimlock what to do!!!" The T-rex shot back. Swoop mentally face servoed but kept his cool.

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