Chapter 4

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Upon hearing the groundbridge, Wheeljack dove into Miko's book bag and hid under the jacket.

" Wiko!! We need to weave here now! " the wrecker's high but muffled voice shouted from inside the back-pack.

The teen scoffed and waved her hand.

" I'm the master at getting out of things, I'll just pretend to not feel well and have Bulky take me home."

" You dink dey will buy it?" He asked poking his helm out of the bag. When Miko saw him she squeeled happily.

The mini-wrecker had wrapped the jacket around him and completely engulfed him, but never the less, it was adorable.

"  Primus!! Your so cute!!!" She said in a high whisper.

The mech scoffed.

" Wiko, keep it down! Wheeljack demanded in a sharp but hushed voice. The asian teen nodded and pushed his helm back into the bag.

" Jackie...I'm going to zip this up ok?"

From inside the bag, Wheeljack murmered something Miko couldn't make out, so and zipped it up and made her way into the main room.


Jack put down the game controller and sighed.

" it just me, or has Miko and Wheeljack been usually quite...."

" They've probably blown up three quarters of the moon..." Raf said with a shrug as he adjusted his glasses. Jack rolled his eyes.

" What scares me is that your probably right....." the older whispered. As the two were discussing the destruction Miko and Wheeljack had gotten into, a bright flash and filled the room and five autobots walked though.

" Beep bo whirrll!"

Raf smiled and waved at his friend.

" Hi Bee! How'd it go?"

" Beep beep ver bo beep whirl bo "

The young boy grinned widely and nodded.

" You got to meet the president?! That's so cool?!"

As the two boy's talked with their charges, Optimus approached their medic.

" Well old Friend, I trust everything went well?"

Ratchet scoffed.

" Yeah, better then I hoped, the two idiots didn't bother me at all...."

Optimus raised a optic.

" I am assuming you are referring to Wheeljack and Miko....."

" No...the other annoying human and autobot that was staying here....yes Miko and Wheeljack, now excuse me Optimus I have work to do..."

The Autobot leader nodded and left the medic to work.

Miko hadn't bothered Ratchet all day? For him that was definitely a first. Grabbing his port, Optimus left for his office to look into relics, he hoped to Primus they got to them before the Decepticons.


Miko tried to sneek into the main room without anyone noticing her but failed.

" HEEY MIKO!!! I've got a new Slash Monkey CD!! Ready to Rock 'N Roll?!"  Bulkhead shouted. The teen's face lit up and was about to blurt out a yes but stopped herself.

" I would love to Bulk....but...but I'm not feeling to good....I-I think I should go home and rest....."

Bulkhead gave her a confused look but transformed for her.

" Alright kid, get in, but try not to throw up on my floor....again"

Miko nodded and gave her best pitiful look as she buckled her seatbelt.

" Thanks Bulky....maybe tomorrow...." the asian said with a cough at the end. The green wrecker chuckled.

" Eh, no problem kid....feel better ok."

Miko nodded and rested her head against his seat and closed her eyes as her charge drove off.


The two boys watched as Miko and Bulkhead drove off.

" You think she was faking it?" Raf asked. Jack shrugged.

" I don't know....I thought she was at first...but.....its not like her to miss out on a Slash Monkey...."

" She was serious about something.....but I'm not sure what..." the younger added in.

The two shrugged, and went back to their game, both assuming whatever is was..wasn't important.


Miko tried her best to stay quit and act sick on the way home, but the new SM CD was right there....and so tempting....

" My precious... " the teen whispered reaching her hand towards the radio system.

Something sharp poked her in the side, causing her to recoil her hand. Miko looked behind her to see Wheeljack holding his sword and shaking his head no.

The asian teen furrowed her brow and waved her hand motioning for him to get back in his bag. The small wrecker rolled his optics but obeyed.

Within a few minutes the autobot came to a stop. Bulkhead opened his door for her and allowed the teen to hop out.

" Thanks Bulky....." she whispered with a sick sounding voice.

" No Problem, feel better, k kid? We've got a monster truck rally with our names on it..." the wrecker chuckled before driving off.

Miko bolted into her house and ran past her " Parents ".

Bounding up the stairs and taking a hard left, Miko entered into her room and shut the door, locking it behind her. Carefully she set her bag on her bed and unzipped it. Two bright blue optics were staring at her from the darkness of her bag.

" You can come out now." The rocker stated.

" Well dat wuz easy...." the mini mech whispered from the bag, his helm fins causing the entire bag to light up. Poping his helm out of the bag, the now sparkling looked around her room.

" Whoaaaa....dis is wha a human berth room wooks wike?" He asked in.wonder as he crawled onto her bed.

Miko shrugged.

" Eh....more or less....not all kids have a obsession over Slash Monkey and Giant Robots...."

A small gasp came from Wheeljack.

" Woooow....huuuman berths are sooooo soft....and squishy..." he said happily as he plopped down on her bed.

Miko who was now in a office chair in the coroner of the room, spun around amilessly.

" So....What now Jackie?"

The Wrecker sighed.

" I'm gonna have to call someone up who I thought I would never have to call again...."

The teen sat on the edge of her seat, excited about the thought of new bots coming.

" Who is it?!" She squealed excitedly.

Wheeljack shook his helm.

" They.....and there our four of dem.....I have to call de Dinobots......" he said with a sigh.

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