Chapter Six

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Miko waited patiently at the end of her drive way. The dry heat of the Nevada air was causing small beads of sweat to trickle down her face. Slightly agitated at that, the dark haired asian used the back of her free hand to wipe her face.

" Ugh....this is heavy..." the teen complained, shifting the bag to a more comfortable position.

" Why did ya hawe to bring so much fwood?" Asked a muffled from the inside of the bag. Miko smirked slightly when she saw dim blue lights from the inside of the bag, like someone was shining a flash light through the cloth.

" I have to eat to." And replied sassily, crossing her arms.

" A fwozen pizza...weally...."

" Ugh..." Miko scoffded. " Fine...I'll put it back..."

" And de chwocolwate milk?" Wheeljack added. Miko sighed and drug herself back into the house.

" and the milk...." she huffed. Going back into the house, the AC was a welcoming relief from the dry heat outside. Making her way into the kitchen, Miko gently set her large bag on the counter and opened the stainless steel fridge, unwillingly, she put away the uneeded items ( Wheeljack added several others that weren't needed) away in their proper places. When she was almost finished, a loud horn was blaring outside her house.

" He's here!!!! " the teen cheered, her pink buns on her head shook happily. " And before I go...." she whispered to herself, she scribbled down a letter for excuse on why she wasn't going to be there..... when she was done, she jerked her bag off the counter and threw it over her shoulder, causing the mini wrecker to yelp in surprise. Bursting out the door, Miko sprinted like a deer to the cab. Without hesitation, the asian jumped into the back seat and slammed the door shut.

" Alrightly!! Lets go!!" Miko shouted, giving the surf's up sign. In the front, a heavier set mexican driver with a five-o-clock shadow and a scottish cap turned around and waved slightly.

" Howdy!" The greeted with a heavy Spanish accent.

" Where is you going today lil'dama? " he asked happily.

" Two Dot Montana!!!" She replied as she handed him $2.70 for getting in. The man looked at her in confusion.

" Two Dot? That's a 14 hour trip?! Are you loco?! " he gasped. Miko nodded.

" Yeh....but I've got the money so just get me there ok?"

The man shrugged and shifted his cab from park into drive.

" ay yi yi...." the driver mumbled under his breath. " I don't get paid enough....". Thus saying, the man took off and headed for the large state of Montana.


Several hours and mountain dews later....Miko had figured out how to work the divider and was now reclining back comfortably, scrolling through her phone. Wheeljack had settled himself on her shoulder and was intently watching the screen.

" wow....." he whispered with bright blue optics, causing his helm fins to light up. " So dat's what the Fowx says?" He asked. Miko shook her head.

" Lies....the Fox says lies...." she replied, never taking her eyes off her device.

" oh..." the small mech piped as he reached into the bag a grabbed a low-grade energon cube. " wong till we'z get there?"  Wheeljack questioned as he lazily munched on the cube. Miko shrugged.

" about eight hours.....and my phone is dying....."

" cwan we bler some'tin up?!" The wrecker asked, giving the teen giant blue adorable optics. Miko found it hard to tell him no, but was finally able to get it out, only to receive a cute pout from the mini mech. Trying not to die from cuteness, Miko held in her sequel and bit her lip.....the poor diver must think she's Chuckling lightly to herself, the teen grabbed the blanket she brought and wrapped it around herself. Shifting into a comfortable position, Miko stared out the window, watching the scenery as it zoomed by...for some reason she found it hypnotic, and relaxing.....before she knew it, she was drifting into a light sleep.

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