Chapter 3

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To Miko's amazement, Wheeljack had found a old army chemistry set and had her set it up for him. After having her carefully collect some of the excess liquid he began to examine it.

The teen found him absolutely adorable when he was serious. Miko pulled out her phone and began taking pictures.

At the sound of the fifteenth flash, the mini wrecker turned around.

" Wiko? Wha are you doing?" He asked, causing his fins to light up when he talked. Miko squealed.

" Your so stink'in adorable Jackie!!!!"

The mech huffed and pouted cutely, crossing his arms over his chassis.

" I'm not cwute....I iz a wreckah, and a sciza-scienz-swinit-"

" Scientist?" Miko finished for him. Wheeljack nodded.

" Yeeeah....that's de one!" He said before returning to his work.

Miko sat on the desk next to him and watched the small autobot work.

" How are we going to get you out of here without the others noticing?" The asian teen asked, slight worry could be noticed in her voice. The mini mech stood up and pushed away his project.

" Aw dis is wusless swrap! " he said frustrated a he kicked the chemistry set. He sat down on the desk and landed with a " thud ".

" I hav nu idea how we'z uh gonna get me outta here wit-out de udders noticing....." Wheeljack said with a sigh as he stuck out his lower lip.

Miko sat next to him and also let out a sigh.

" If we got out of here unnoticed.....where would you stay?"

" my ship of cworse..." he replied cutely. The teen gave a nervous chuckle.

" No offense Jackie....but aren't you a bit....small to fly...."

The bot gave her a thoughtful look and rubbed his chin.

" hhhhmmmmmm....." he said after awhile.

" Iz think your wight....I can't fwy...."

Wheeljack gave Miko a pitiful look.

" Wha am I gonna do Wiko!?" He shouted, slight fear in his voice.

" And how am I gonna get wid of dees stupid wights on mah fins!?" The bot added pointing a chubby digital at his fins.

Miko sat in thought for awhile.

She snapped her fingers.

" Hey!" She shouted, pointing at Wheeljack.

" Maybe I can smuggle you in my backpack and you can stay with me until we figure this out!!"

The mini mech gave her a considering look.

" Wha abowt your huuuman parwents?"

Miko scoffed.

" They don't give a crap about what I do....they don't care..."

Wheeljack looked at her with his big blue optics.

" So ya don't mind if I stay wit you?"

The asian teen scooped him up and hugged him next to her face.

" Are you kidding?! I would love to have you!!!!" She said as she squeezed him. After several moments the wrecker let out a annoyed huff.

" K can wet go of me now...."

" No! Your to cute!"

" I alwedy knew dat....but your crushing my frame to hard...."

The teen let go and set him down.

" oh...sorry..." Miko apologized.

The autobot just shrugged.

" Whoa kay, we gots two hours befer de udders come back....wets see how many cubes of wnergon you can stick in your back-p-pack "

Miko was able to grab her backpack and being it back to the lab without bringing any attention to herself. Luckily for her she had one of those absolutely huge book bags that looked as it would accompany a librarian on vacation.

Clearing a spot on the table, the teen laid the bag down.

" I've shoved aside all the school books and other junk, and I laid down a jacket so you wouldn't be uncomfortable."

The tiny wrecker gave the bag a uncertain look before crawling in.

Wheeljack huffed.

" Wiko, we have only a hour and a half to cowect energon....hurrwy!"

Miko chuckled at the seriousness of the mini mech.

" Jackie you can't talk while I'm in the base....your fins......"

The small autobot roller his optics but disappeared into the bag. The asian teen slid the bag over her shoulders. Cautiously, Miko poked her head out the door and checked to make sure no-one was coming.

When she affirmed it was clear, Miko ran to the other side of the room and pressed her back against the wall and slowly slideled to the wrec room.

After ten slow minutes Wheeljack poked a impatient helm out of the oversized book bag.

" Wiiiiiko! What's taking so long?" He complained sticking out his lower lip. The teen pushed his head back down into the bag.

" Keep your head down, someone might see you!" She whispered.

" And....I'm being sneaky...."

A muffled scoff came from the bag.

" Ok...I'm trying to be sneaky...." the asian added with a light laugh.

After what seemed like another ten minutes the two finally made their way into the wrec room. Miko gently set the bag down and opened the top for Wheeljack.

Seeing several cubes of energon she could pick up with one hand, Miko grabbed several and returned to the bag.

Wheeljack was sitting next to it with his arms crossed over his chassis looking quite board.

The teen showed him the amount she had found.

" This enough?" She asked. Wheeljack stood up and looked over the substance.

"" he answered before he sat down. Miko mentally groaned. She packed the cubes into the bag and stood up to obtain more.

As she was picking up her third cube a mysterious " Whack!" Noise was coming from behind her. Curious, the Asian teen turned around....

To see Wheeljack aggressively attacking a energon cube twice his size with tiny katanas.

Miko ran over and grabbed them from his servos.

" What are you doing?" She whispered in a aggravated tone. Wheeljack looked at her then at the cube then at his swords with a blank look.

" uh....I...I was helping? I think?"

Miko shook her head causing her pigtails to bounce around.

" Jackie...someone might notice that, and-"

A familiar sound was heard in a distance.

" What dat wha I dink it wuz?" The wrecker asked. The teen slightly paled and nodded.

" Yep....a groundbridge....."

Wheeljack sighed

" Aawwww slagg....they back early....."

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