Chapter 7

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After several minutes of looking around Miko's room, the boys headed down the stairs, thanking the girl's parents and left. The two boys walked down the driveway, here Bee was waiting.

.: Beep bo virrr?:. The scout asked as he opened the door for Jack and Raf.

" Well she differently wasn't sick Bee."the younger boy answered his guardian. The autobot beeped another reply, but started his engine and slowly left the suburbs. After several minutes, Raf noticed Jack was quiet, well, more than usual. The hispanic boy frowned slightly.

" You ok Jack?" The 12year-old asked. Jack, who seemed to have zoned out, snapped back into reality.

" oh...uh, yeah." He mumbled under his breath. " I'm just concerned, it isn't like Miko to withhold information about a new bot."

" You think she's friends with a con?" Raf asked, " I know we shoot some down on a daily basis, and I don't think all of them are killed."

The older teen only shook his head, causing his dark hair to fall in his face. Brushing it back he gave a light chuckle.

" No, her best friend is Bulkhead. If anything like that happened, she'd personally try to kill the con herself."

Both Raf and Bee made hushed laughing sounds.

" Your probably right, but ever since that explosion yesterday, she was acting funny. " the hacker said. " I can access the cameras back at base, and maybe we'll see what happened. But I'll have to inform Ratchet about it."

Jack nodded in agreement and sighed. After that, the rest of the trip was driven in silence. It was obvious they were all worried about Miko, but Jack was NOT looking forward to telling Bulkhead that his charge had runaway, most likely because of another bot. Jack's dread increased as they drove through the familiar part of the base that led to the main area.

Slowing to a stop, Bee put on his brakes and opened both his doors so that the boys could exit his alt. When both and gotten out, Bumblebee transormed, and asked something to his young friend.

" Yeah, I'm about to ask Ratchet." The boy answered. " But I'll leave most of his explaining to Jack."

The Darby boy looked at Raf with wide eyes. " What!!? Why me?!" Jack shouted. " Ratchet likes you better!"

Raf gave his a eye roll and signed.

" Well, your young to inform both Ratchet and Optimus. Miko more then likely left to help a bot, and Everyone has the right to know."

Jack sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, knowing that Raf was right.

" Ok...." he said, after letting out a long breath. " I'll tell them."

Making his way to were Prime worked, Jack cleared his throat, hoping to get Optimus's attention. He did.

The mech looked away from his work and down at the small human.

"Is there something I can help you with Jackson?" The prime asked. " Also I sincerely hope that Miko will recover quickly. The base has been....different without her."

Behind his Ratchet scoffed from his place at the computer. " The base has been quieter!!" His medic snapped. " It's amazing how much work I've been able to accomplish in the last 24 hours!"

Jack bit his lip uncomfortably and looked intently at the ground.

" About that...." the teen said just loud enough for the Autobot leader to hear. " Uh....Miko's not tell the truth, we have no idea where she is."

The red and blue mech raised a optic. " That is quite....unsettling." Optimus replied evenly. " Jackson, how did you come across this?" He asked. The teen sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2018 ⏰

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