Chapter 2

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Wheeljack found a empty room with a high enough desk and bent over.

" This should do..." he said, knocking a servo on the desk. Miko hopped down from his shoulder plate and sat on the desk.

" So...what's your new invention called?" The teen asked, tilting her head in curiosity causing her bangs to fall in her eyes.

He wrecker opened his chassis compartment and pulled out a machine the size of his servo.

It looked like autobot mini blaster, minus the tube that connected from the mag to a glass container filled with orange liquid.

" Its a processor manipulator, when fired, the liquid messes with the chips in one's processors so that it it taken to the state of a sparkling..."

Miko gave him a blank look.

" You didn't understand any of that did you?"

Miko shook her head and placed a hand on her hip.

" Do I look like a grade A+ nerdy don' explain in English please..."

Wheeljack rolled his optics.

" I shoot the bad guys....and the orange juice stuff makes them think like a sparkling....those are what you would call babies...."

The Asian teen raised a hand. The wrecker smirked.

" Uh.....yes! Miko." He said pointing a digital at her.

" What's the orange stuff made of?" She asked tapping the glass. The wrecker picked up his invention and separated the glass from the weapon.

Wheeljack held it up to optic level and swirled the container, causing the liquid to swish around. The wrecker chuckled.

" This is made of human elements...Dibohrimuminoxide, the ones no-one ever uses....will I tinkered with it for awhile.....and I just so happened to have a con captive at the time....and so I tested it on the name of science....and now this....this could change the war....imagine this Miko! Warlords with the mind of a child....Megatron acting like a spoiled brat..."

Miko laughed at her metal image of Megatron lying on the ground throwing a fit.

" That would be ha-ha-" Miko stopped to take a breath. Due to the fact the room they were using had been unused for over ten years, the dust was bad and began to bother Miko's allergies.

The teen's head reared back and flew forward as she let of a loud.

" Ahhh-chooooooo!!!!"

Now poor Wheeljack had been on earth a while....but never knew that humans made such sounds. The wrecker jumped in surprise causing him to drop the beaker.

Both human and bot dove to catch it, but it slipped right through their fingers and digitals. The two watched in horror as the glass container hit the ground. As soon as it hit the floor, the elements mixed with the oxygen and nitrogen caused a chemical reaction.

A loud explosion went off and a large orange cloud filled the room.

In the other room, the two humans and bots heard the explosion and watched as the lights flickered and the room shook.

" You think we should check on them?" Raf asked from his place next to Ratchet, not taking his eyes from his computer.

Jack, who was working on a school project shrugged.

" Yeah...probably...."

The medic rolled his optics.

" I'm going to kill him if he caused any damage..." he huffed, picking up a wrench and wiping off a smudge. Jack got to his feet and sighed. I'll check on them.


Miko coughed and waved her hands in front of her face attempting to redirect the path of the smoke.

She let out a whezy.

" Well wasn't that was exciting! eh Jackie?"

Miko turned around to the place where the autobot had been standing moments before.

She gasped at the vacant spot.

" Wheeljack?" Miko called. A high pitched groan came from under the desk. Curious, the teen took a peek.

What she was made her want to gasp.....and squeal with excitement.

" Swap...." said a child like voice.

" Wha happened?"

Miko looked at the tiny wrecker under the dark desk. He had two glowing fins on the side of his helm and big bright blue optics.

The small autobot stood up and and placed his servos on his fins.

" Wiko....I'z feel funny...."

He froze.

" What wong with ma spweach?"

With wide optics he looked at his servos. He gasped.

" OH SCRAP! SCRAP SCRAP SCRAP!!!!" he shouted storming around Miko's feet which looked absolutely adorable. Miko picked him up and squaled.

" Awwww!!!! Your so cute!!!!!" She shouted excitedly.

The mini wrecker huffed.

" Wiko! Dis is swerious....I'z didn't have a way tu wevers it........" he pouted cutely. A light knock was heard at the door.

" Crap." Miko whispered as she set him down.

" Transform and hide..maybe they'll think your a toy." She said frantically in a hushed voice. The mini mech obeyed and did a adorable transformation. Miko gave a silent squeal as she picked him up and placed him on the desk

The teen ran to the door and slowly opened it.

" H-hello?" She whispered.

" What was that explosion?!" Demanded the familiar voice of Jack. Miko slid out and closed the door behind her, pressing her back against it so no-one could get in.

" Oh...that...that was Jackie showing me what happened when oxygen and some explosive....uh...chemical meet!"

Jack gave her a unbelieving look.

" Can I ask Wheeljack about this?"

Miko braced herself against the door.

" NO!" She shouted causing the male teen to back up.

The asian girl lowered her gaze and blushed.

" I-I mean...he's not available busy....ya know......." she added quickly with a fake laugh

Jack gave her a suspicious look before turning around and walking off. When he was gone, Miko opened the door and sighed.

" That...that was close..."

Somehow Wheeljack had climbed on the desk and was now sitting on the ledge with his arms crossed.

" I can't stay here....I can't wet de uders know wha happened to me....." he said in a serious voice....quick Miko could barely take seriously.

Miko giggled and poked his fins.

" Jackie...why are your fins lighting up?"

The wrecker's servo's flew to his helm.

" Aw slagg.....I had does disconnected eons ago!!!"

Miko held in a laugh as she picked him up.

" Why do they light up?" She asked.

The sparkling shrugged.

" I don't know....but I'z hate dem...."

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