Chapter I... Zoe

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It was a cold November night, snow falling softly to the ground. I rushed through the weather, face rosy from walking so long without proper protection from the cold. I'm sure all of you can guess what my dumbass did next. That's right. Absolutely ate it right in front of the bar I was late to my shift at. I gotta say. Not really how I wanted my character to be introduced, but what can you do.

I scrambled up and into the warmth that the building provided me, hurrying past my boss and into the back to get changed. I pulled on the white button up, cringing at the purple bruise on my elbow as I rolled my sleeve up. The bright red waistcoat went on to, name tag pinned onto the halter strap. I threw my hair up into a messy ponytail and rushed behind the bar, taking over from Ben, apologizing for taking so long. Running on autopilot, I started throwing drinks together, politely fending off advances from some of the more wasted patrons and cursing my professors for assigning an ungodly amount of homework tonight.


After hours of mixing drinks and making sure no one got drugged, I started wiping down the bar and calling cabs for anyone that needed one. I was stacking the chairs on the tables, wanting to get out quickly when the door was pushed open, the bell hanging from the hinge tinkling softly. A nervous looking man stepped in, his hair bouncing softly with each step he took.

I hurried to get in front of him before he could get much further, trying to get him out as soon as possible. "I'm sorry sir, but we're closed for the night. If you need anything, feel free to come back tomorrow, we'd be happy to help you then," I said, giving my customer service smile.

The man nodded absently, turning around and leaving. I sighed in relief at how easy it was to get him out, thinking back on some of the rowdy drunk men that I almost had to call our security to get out. Closing isn't fun, but it gets me more money, so I guess it's worth it.

After sweeping the floor and making sure the bar looked good, I went back to the lockers, pulling off my uniform and throwing my Poison shirt back on, throwing my thin blazer on top and turning off all the lights and locking the door and gazing up at the sign glowing proudly in the cold air. Fallen Angel it said, the harsh white letters glaring at me, as if trying to scare me off. "Fuck," I mutter, stomping my feet to get some feeling back in them and rushing down the street, my hands shoved in my pockets.

There's something about that man from earlier that was bothering me. I couldn't really figure it out, but there was definitely a vibe around him that made me uneasy. The more I think about him, more unsettled I become. I couldn't seem to remember what he looked like exactly, almost as if there was something blocking it out. It was strange and I didn't like it one bit.

I shove the door to my apartment building open, checking the time on my watch. 3:45. I cursed, hoping I had enough time to get my homework done and some sleep in before class tomorrow. Thank Satan for afternoon classes.

I sagged in the elevator, pulling my boots off my feet and holding them, walking barefoot to my apartment, unlocking it and scooping up my precious snake and resting him on my shoulders. He rested his head on my collar bone, tail wrapping around my left arm.

"Hey, Star. Get out of your tank again?" I murmured to him, stroking his head softly and putting my keys down on the table. I drop my boots by the door, tugging my hair out of the messy ponytail it was in before, the long blue locks falling around my shoulders.

I trudged to my bedroom, trying to tug off my blazer as I went, which is surprisingly difficult with a 40 pound snake wrapped around one arm. Starlight, however, didn't seem to care, the python just flicking his tongue out as if mocking my struggles. I just sighed, already used to his shit. I peeled my jeans off and pulled on some fleece pajama pants and fuzzy socks, starting on some tea and throwing some leftovers in the microwave to eat. I grumbled to myself, pulling my homework out of my school bag and glaring at it, trying to figure out if I should start on my essay for my modern British novels class that was due next week.

The microwave beeped and I pulled my food out, all the while have my blazer half off because my bastard of a snake refused to move. The kettle whistled right as I turned on the TV and I poured myself a steaming cup, hoping it would help me concentrate. There was a Psych marathon on that I put on in the background of my homework, sipping my tea as I struggled through my music theory homework, opting to tacking the essay on the weekend after actually thinking of a topic.

I stared at the theory for a good half hour before deciding would just get up early tomorrow to do it, which I think we both know wouldn't happen, but I like to kid myself.

I downed my tea and turned off the TV, dragging myself and Star to my comfy bed, gently setting him down on a blanket and taking a quick shower so I wouldn't smell like a drunk in the morning and brushing my teeth real quick. I crawled into my bed, Star wrapping himself around my waist. I let it happen, used to it already, and got comfy, throwing a blanket on top of me and completely forgetting to set an alarm. Shit. Oh well.

I suppose I should probably introduce myself huh. Well, my name is Zoe and I'm currently both a broke college student, and a bartender at Fallen Angel Bar. The pay is good so I don't complain, no matter how terrible my hours are. I know 3 instruments, am learning a fourth, and trying to get a PhD in performing. I'm working on getting my teaching hours in, struggling to fit it in with my busy schedule.

Hmmm, what else. My hair is blue, I'm actually pretty tall, standing at a solid 5-foot-nine, and my one true love is my caramel Burmese python, Starlight, even though he uses me as his own personal heat rock. I swear, he's on me more than he is on the actual heat rock I set up in his tank. I don't really mind though, it's nice knowing that he trusts me enough to be constantly wrapped around me. I'm 25 and my parents died when I was very young. I never really pried into it, figuring they left me. I've made peace with it, no sense in trying to understand their intentions.

I honestly feel like I'm forgetting something, but I can't for the life of me figure out what it could be...

Oh! That's right! This is the story of how I die.

Words: 1207

Rewritten: June 06, 2020

Posted: 1:39 AM Mountain Time

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