Chapter XV... Zoe

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As soon as Zoe got off the phone, a customer walked in. A man with black hair styled like Shawn Spencer walked in, his ice blue eyes scanning the relatively small bar, taking in the staff. When his eyes landed on Zoe, she saw a flash of something in his face. Something unpleasant. A shiver ran up her spine, but she repressed and ignored it, instead choosing to plaster on the smile that she had for greeting people. "What can I get for you, sir?" Zoe asked false cheer in her voice.

"I'll have the strongest thing you have with tequila in it," the man said, a smirk on his face as he watched Zoe work, very obviously staring at her ass.

"Here you go, sir. Call me if you need anything," Zoe said, straightening her waist coat and strolling to the other side of the bar, pouring herself a cup of water. The man continued to stare at her, slightly distressing.

Zoe had had enough, finally speaking. "Do you need anything, sir? You keep glancing at me," she said, basically telling him to fuck off.

"Well, Zoe. I was wondering if you would be so kind as to go on a date with me. My name is Ross," the man—Ross—said, a cocky smirk on his face.

"Sorry, I have a girlfriend," Zoe rejected bluntly, not missing a beat.

"Oh," was all he said, looking a little surprised at her bluntness. "Well then, I'll just be over here. Oh, can I get another drink?"

"Yeah, of course. Oh, and Ross? I'm sorry, after you stop acting like an ass, you actually seem like a decent person," Zoe said apologetically, mixing him another drink. Ross smiled at her, taking the drink and downing it in one gulp and putting some money the counter before walking out. Zoe watched him go before grabbing the money from the bar and putting it in the cash register. Little did she know Ross was an angel working under Amber, who was trying to tear Lucifer down little by little. {So I apparently have a physical antagonist now?}

Zoe just continued on cleaning the bar, wiping tables and just generally doing the waiters' jobs, blissfully unaware of the woman watching her, planning.

Amber watched Zoe, looking for any possible flaws to extort. During the lunch rush, Amber noticed Zoe's sleeve came up a little, briefly seeing white, vertical lines etched into her pale skin. Amber gave a sickening smile, her skin stretching almost unnaturally. She continued to observe, looking for more pressure points, as she called them.

What Amber didn't know, however, was that Zoe knew she was there the whole time. Zoe only gave the information that she was willing to give. She was far more perceptive than she let on, having noticed Amber in the first half hour of the creepy watching. Zoe was getting slow.

Zoe patiently waited, lifting her sleeve a little bit to allow her scars to show slightly, already over them and perfectly happy with her life now. She was focusing on not letting anything of value slip to the blonde haired bitch outside the window. After the shift ended, Zoe walked into the employee break room, changing into the clothes from the day before, carefully folding up the work clothes to put back into the locker. She pulled her blazer on and closed the locker door, pulling her bag over her shoulder and walking out confidently, refusing to let Amber see her nervousness and self-doubt. Zoe walked across the street, purposely bumping into Amber to see her reaction. It was like a switch had been flipped in her personality. Amber was all smiles and reassurances, stating over and over again that it was okay.

Zoe smirked and filed this information down in her mental library, thinking of ways to use it in the future. {Yes, she does have a mind palace. Now shut up and read the story} Zoe strutted off down the sidewalk, her boots soundless as she disappeared into the crowd of people flooding the streets.

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