Chapter 4

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~Martinus POV~

As soon as Ellie touches my hand I immediately felt some sort of spark and I couldn't explain it, which made a smile appear on my face. I loved seeing how passionate she is about a sport, it reminds me of how much I love soccer. Whenever she talks about AFL, there is a sparkle in her ocean blue eyes.

Ellie- So you got the position right, now you need to kick it into the goals. so when you go to kick the ball you point it down to your foot and then you kick it. Also, try and aim for in between the two bigger goal posts.

I lined up the ball exactly like Ellie told me and kicked the ball and it went into the other goals.

Ellie- It's okay, try again and keep going until you get it.

I kept trying as she walked over to Marcus and helped him with his football after awhile I got a goal and started jumping up and down because I was so happy and screamed

Martinus- I got a goal!

Ellie stopped helping Marcus than ran over to me and engulfed me in a hug, I immediately hugged her back. When she hugged me my nostrils filled with a beautiful ocean smell. A smile grew on my face and out the corner of my eye, I saw Marcus take a photo of me and Ellie. When Ellie released from the hug she said

Ellie- Great job Martinus.

Mr Bake walked out of the house and asked

Mr Baker- Would you kids like to stay for dinner? If it's okay with your folks and we are having Ellie's favourite my homemade salt and pepper calamari.

Marcus- We could love to stay for dinner Mr Baker

Marcus said while giving me a wink, he must know I have a little crush on Ellie. She gets so passionate, caring, she's beautiful and she doesn't know what I do for my job.

Mr Baker- Okay guys, dinner will be ready in fifteen and if you guys play footy El go easy on them.

Ellie- Okay Dad, we aren't up to that stage yet. They play soccer and we both know that isn't a high-contact sport.

Mr Baker- Okay El, you're the teacher.

He said as he walked back inside, then Ellie turned back around looking at me and my brother. Then I decided to speak

Martinus- What did your Dad mean by a high- contact sport?

Ellie started walking towards me as said

Ellie- You'll find out once you play a game with me.

She said while patting my back, giving me a cheeky smile and walking past me towards the football on the ground.

The New Girl - Marcus and Martinus Fanfiction (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now