Chapter 10

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~Martinus POV~

For the past four days, Ellie and I hung out every day and I feel like we are really close. We went for walks I taught her how to play soccer and she taught me a bit more about football. I am really starting to like her. Today is the first day of school and I offered to walk to school with her. I got up had a shower, brushed my teeth, got dressed and did my hair. I walked downstairs to have breakfast, when I went into the kitchen Marcus was already there eating breakfast.

Martinus- Morning

Marcus- Morning. Did you tell Ellie about us being famous?

Crap. I froze on the spot, I knew Iw as forgetting something. 

Marcus- You need to tell her, you can't keep it a secret forever.

Martinus- I know. I just need to wait for the right time. 

Marcus- Whatever.

I quickly ate my cereal and Marcus and I went to go pick up Ellie. Once we got to Ellie's I went up and knocked on her door. She opened the door and gave me a hug.

Martinus- Goodmorning

Ellie- Goodmorning, I'll go get my stuff

She walked away to get her stuff and a few minutes later she came back with her stuff. We all started to walk to school I had Ellie on my left and Marcus on my right.

Ellie- So what are you guys in school?

Martinus- What do mean?

Ellie- Are you popular, nerds, geeks, class clowns, musicians, stuff like that.

I looked over at Marcus asking what I should say. 

Martinus- We don't really know. We never actually noticed.

Ellie- Okay then, what are your friends like?

Martinus- We don't really have a lot of friends

Ellie- Who do you guys hang out with?

Martinus- We hang out with this girl Victoria.

Ellie- Ok

When I looked over at Ellie I could see a bit of hurt on her face. We continued to walk to school in silence. Once we got to school Victoria ran up to Marcus and I giving me a big hug

Victoria- I've missed you so much. 

When I looked over Victoria's shoulder I saw Ellie walking away. Once Victoria let go she linked arms with me and we started walking inside. I kept on trying to unlink arms with her but she wouldn't let go. Luckily I got out of her grip and I sprinted to go find Ellie, I can't lose her she means too much to me. I ran to the reception and I found Ellie standing there with a sad look on her face. I feel horrible right now. I started walking up to her thinking about what I should say.

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