84 7 1

Brendon - :(

Ryan - whats wrong

Brendon - we cant be SpOoKy any more

Tyler - yeah but guess whats next

Josh - ThAnKsGiViNg 

Melanie - TUrKeY

Dallon - ew

Pete - what?

Dallon - turkey is nasty

Melanie - excuse me

Tyler - could you please leave

Dallon - I dont understand how people like it

Dallon - its so dry

Ryan - thats understandable 

Melanie - how

Ryan - because i dont like cranberry sauce 

Brendon - EXCUSE ME

Ryan - sorry beebs 

Patrick - thats also understandable 

Pete - O please tell us patty cakes

Patrick - because i dont like stuffing 

Josh - leve now

Tyler - ^

Pete - wow

Pete - its okay patty cakes, i still love you


Josh - its okay dallon is to

Dallon - actually im still with breezy 

Brendon - i forgot

Brendon - dallon is straight

Melanie - AHHHHHHH



This chapter is based off an actually conversation i had. Im Dallon i hate turkey. Its dry and nasty. Patrick is my friend precious. I almost strangled her. And Ryan was my friend layla. She hates cranberry sauce. HOW?!


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