87 7 4

Melanie - sup ma DoOdS

Brendon - sup DoOd

Frank - what is going on

Gerard - DoOdS

Pete - sup PeEpS

Frank - itz settled i like PeEpS more than DoOdS

Gerard - NOOO

Patrick - they have gotten mama frank

Ryan - team PeEpS is winning

Brendon - GASP

Brendon - you traitor

Dallon - Team PeEpS for the win

Brendon - wait im confused about whos on what side

Gerard - everybody say what side you are on

Tyler - DoOdS

Josh - PeEpS

Patrick - DoOdS

Pete - PeEpS

Gerard - DoOdS

Frank - PeEpS

Brendon -  DoOdS

Ryan - PeEpS

Melanie - DoOdS

Dallon - PeEpS

Josh - well this settles it.....

Gerard - THIS IS WAR!!!!!
Hello it me
Who's side are you on?
Im on team PeEpS. TEAM DoOdS SUCKS! Wtf is wrong with me
So long and good night

(Team PeEpS 4 da win)

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