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Melanie - Ayo wuddup jenna

Jenna - umm hi mels

Melanie - so what's up with you?

Jenna - um nothing much I uh was texting Sarah a few minutes ago

Melanie - don't be so awkward

Melanie - were all mad here

Jenna - we?

Melanie - yea I'm with my fren Lindsey

Jenna - oh cool

Melanie - yea she's kinda pretty

Jenna - she is?

Melanie - yea you can say that

Jenna - I'd love to meet her one day

Melanie - the sad thing is that she's straight

Melanie - she was in love with Gerard but when she found out he was gay and with Frank she got really mad and lost it.

Jenna - oh

Melanie - all the expensive things he has bought her for birthdays, Christmas, or any special occasion was destroyed. And she swore on everything that she would have Gerard one day.

Jenna - okay she's crazy

Melanie - like I said

Melanie - we're all mad here

Melanie -  yea but anyway I gtg

Melanie - see ya later

Jenna - okay Bai

Jenna - I love you
Message deleted

Melanie - what?


Brendon - REALLY WHEN?!

Josh - July 30th

Pete - that's actually not so bad of a day

Patrick - yea because afterwards is the hottest day of the summer and that means the day before can't be that bad

Ryan - so why that specific date?

(Me)  - because it's my birthday

Gerard - wow

Frank - that's just- wow

Tyler - I rlly wanted March 28th but Kayla persuaded me for July 30th so yaayyy

(Me) - wait, how bad did you want that date?

Josh - pretty bad actually before we started dating he would always talk about if he got married he would want it on March 28th

(Me) - well I'm sorry you can change it if you want if it means that much to you than MARCH 28TH IT IS

Tyler - but you wanted July 30th

Brendon - it your wedding not hers

Ryan - ^

Josh - want me to call the wedding Booker and tell him we officially decided on a date

Tyler - yes please

Patrick - awe can't wait until the day of

Pete - same

Melanie - same

Melanie - brendon can I message you privately

Brendon - sure


Dallon - dammit they are all gone

Brendon - okay wuddup Mel's?

Melanie - I um


Melanie - I think I might like Jenna..

Breezy - hey Jenna you okey?

Jenna - yea it's just...

Breezy - what's wrong sweetie

Jenna - I think I might like melanie...

Hello it me
So hai I didn't forget about the book I just
Welp I have no excuse im just a lazy piece of shit
Anyway I haven't uploaded in so long I forgot what part of the story im at so I just threw some stuff together
And also this might be the longest chapter I've written

So long and goodnight

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