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Brendon - ryan?

Ryan - yeah whats up?

Brendon - im sorry

Ryan - why? What happended? Why arent you with sarah?

Brendon - oh, i dont know i mabye have a whole boyfriend?

Ryan - yeah but you still blew up on me for no reason

Brendon - omg here we go this is why i blew up on you in the first place

Brendon - you never think before you do anything

Ryan - your the one who blew up on me

Brendon - your the one who dosent care about my exsistance

Ryan - dont say that, i care about you very much

Brendon - dont lie to me ryan

Brendon - you never cared did you?

Ryan - brendon stop i love you more than anything

Brendon - why stop ryan? Why? Are you mad because im telling the truth?

Ryan - no ur not. Brendon STOP

Brendon - you never loved me
Read 8:32 p.m.

Sarah - ummmm hiii who added me

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