perfect but for how long

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~Percy's P.O.V.~

We had just got back from saving the world..again and everything was perfect. We were being celebrated and cheered all through the camp. Even camp Jupiter was here to thank us, which made Jason, Frank and Hazel thrilled. We were told that there was going to be a feast at the dining pavilion tomorrow night and that for the rest of the week we could do what ever we wanted. Hazel, Frank, Piper and Jason went to see their friends from camp Jupiter. Leo and his siblings  ran off to bunker 9. Nico, I think went to his cabin and Annabeth was being swarmed by Aphrodite girls asking about Percebeth?. So I decided to go to the arena and practise my sword skills, even if I have been fighting monsters for the past five weeks.

It was empty except for Mrs O'Leary who was asleep until I accidentally stepped on a twig and she stood up instantly. She looked over at me and charged, but before I could turn around to run two giant fuzzy paws pushed me to the ground and not soon after I was covered in dog drool

When I finally got Mrs O'Leary to calm down and go back to sleep, I pulled out my pen and uncapped it, turning it into riptide my sword, and walked towards the dummies. I slashed and hacked for agers, practising my skills until there was nothing left but straw and some battered up armour.

I sat down on the steps breathing heavily. I decided to go for a swim so I capped riptide and walked towards the water. I was walking past the woods when I heard a scream, instincts took over and I ran into the woods not knowing were to go. I must have asked about 50 nymphs before I finally found where the scream had come from. It was Piper being attacked my a minotaur in a small clearing. I ran forward and stepped in front of her protectively "Percy.." she said sounding exhausted. I glanced behind me to see her covered in cuts and bruises "Pipe-" she collapsed on the floor and the minotaur charged. I uncapped riptide and cut threw the monsters head, decapitating it but before it fell to the ground it disintegrated into gold dust.

I spun around to see that Piper was gone. "Piper!?!" I shouted, running around the woods trying to find her.

It was Leo who first came to me "Percy what's up?" he asked sounding sleepy.

"Piper *deep breath* "she's" *deep breath" "gone" *deep breath*.

He burst out laughing "WHAT?" more laughing "Percy, Piper isn't gone,she's in the infirmary"

I looked at him,confused "but she was just here"

"Percy, man, I swear she's in the infirmary" he said and looked at me worriedly "erm..are you ok?"

"yeah, why would you think-" I looked down at my clothes which were now hanging on by a few threads "ohh I killed a minotaur" I said smirking at Leo's face

"again!? aww man you should have called me, I would have videoed it for you"

I stared at him "seriously man-" I took a deep breath "never mind, I need to go and see Piper ill talk to you later"

"yeah sure see ya Percy" he said then ran off into the woods, probably to bunker 9.

I ran out of the woods and burst into the infirmary to see Jason, Hazel, Annabeth and..Nico? wow, what was he doing here?

I smiled at them "hey, how did-"

Nico butted in " I brought her here".

I stared at him, open mouthed "but, how?".

He rolled his eyes " I heard a scream and went to see what it was. When I got there I saw Piper unconscious and you fighting a minotaur so I grabbed Piper and shadow travelled us here." he said as if it was the simplest thing ever.

"so you just left me?!" I said, quiet surprised. I mean I know that Nico doesn't interact with people much but he usually does when they're in trouble.

He glared at me "you were doing fine by yourself" and with that he shoved past me and out of the infirmary.

I looked out the door then back at everyone else, who had the same expression except for Jason "did I do something?" they all had different reactions: Jason looked down. hazel simple said "no" and Annabeth walked over to me, and kissed my cheek "of course you didn't seaweed brain". I smiled at her and said "I'm going to get some sleep", she nodded "ok". I kissed her and walked out of the infirmary and towards my cabin.

I walked past the Hades cabin and I was tempted to knock on the door but thought that Nico was probably still angry with me for before, even if I did nothing wrong. I walked inside my cabin and collapsed on the bed, kicking off my shoes.

I lied there, thinking about what had happened while we were away fighting Gaia. I slowly fell asleep and had no dream, which for a demigod who has been getting them for the past five weeks is the most amazing sleep ever. the last thought in my head was Nico..

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed the story and I will be posting more soon x

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