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~Leo''s P.O.V.~

Right, let me just say that none of us had a clue what had just happened. They had been getting along so well, which yeah was a litte strange but most just thought it was Percy trying to help Nico..MOST thought that. No I dont know what had happened in the mess hall either, there was eating, talking, maybe a kiss or two then Nico stormed out like he had just lost his happy meal.

To be honest everything else was sort of a breeze by after that. Hazel said she had used some type of magic to help Nico sleep, so go figure he slept for about a week. Percy tried everyday to try and see him, which again is strange but it was probably just to check on him. Nothing really happened while ghost king slept, people nearlly dieing, you know the usual.

Then BOOM out of know where world war three nearlly begins! We should have guessed that the gods would come eventually, considoring that Nico and Percy are both sons of the big three, them getting into a fight must have set them on edge.

But now sitting in the 'council room' (games room), with everyone shouting and trying to be heard, it all seemed impossible to believe. They had somehow managed to make the room bigger so all of us fitting in wasnt a problem. Its just that no one wanted to go, that was the problem. Annabeth and Hazel where distraught, they hadnt spoke up yet but half of the campers where the same, staying quiet and just wanting to get back to their cabins. Only Ares and his dilinquits seemed to enjoy the fight. Yeah big surprise.

It was all 'did you see the way that punk..' and 'dude that was awsome..'. COMPLETELY STUPID and thats coming from me. Piper looked about ready to bring out her dagger and Jason seemed to be holding her back, she was just about to say something but (another big surprise) Clarrises spoke up.

"told you that punk wouldnt last more then five minutes" she laughed then held her hand out to her brother, Drake. "now pay up" "no Percy won!"...que the screaming from Annabeth.

"YOU MADE A BET?!" she shouted and the campers went into hushed arguements. Clarrise looked up at her like she had just grew a second head "is that a hard question girly?" . Annabeth isnt the best person to argue with but now she looked down right murderous.

She stood up and drew her dagger, slamming it into the table and everyone went silent, looking at her. Mixed emotions where defintily in the room, half were amused and half looked like Annabeth..just a less scary version.

Clearly Clarrise had a death wish cause she had the nerve to laugh which caused her siblings too as well, completly forgetting her and going back to their conversation "death breath won, he slammed Percy down first!" Now that really started it off. Hazel stood up and started yelling at them with Annabeth. Soon everyone was up with their weapons drawn.

~Jason's P.O.V.~

"ALL OF YOU SHUT IT!" Zeus shouted which silenced everyone pretty quickly. We sat down but the glaring didnt stop. "Hazel?" he asked, in a softer tone "please tell us fom the beginning what happened".

She retold the story of how Percy had come to see Nico (even though he still wasnt allowed). He did manage too however, when Nico woke up and said he wanted to talk with him. She didnt know what the converstion was about, only that when she ran in after hearing Percys scream he was thrashing around on the floor. She then went on to tell the fight but people jumped in every now and then to help cause she was finding it hard to finish her story.

He nods thoughtfully and looks to the other Olympians "we need a solution" he states and they mumble in agreement. If he came here to tell us that then it was abit pointless, of course we needed a solution. "just split them up, Nico has been spending time in Camp Jupiter has he not?" Athena asks and the campers nod. Its true, before we went on the quest Nico spent near enough every day in Camp Jupiter..

"then there is your solution! Put Nico in Camp Jupiter and Percy can stay here" she says simply.Only it wasnt that simple..

I sat up and leant forward " if they dont want to get split up?" I ask, which possiblly might give away thier little secret but I was trying to help them. Besides if they got split up it wouldnt matter if everyone knew. They gave me a strange look "they just had a huge fight and your answer is to keep them together?" Apollo asks. "well im just saying that it might be a one off type of thing.. they have been getting along really well for the last few days.." I say and the campers except Clarrise nodded.

"and whats if its not and this happens again?" Artemis asks and I sigh "I dont know, I think it would be better if they get to decide though.." I say. Poseidion nods "I agree with the boy, a vote should be made!" he says which causes a few mumbles as Zeus thinks.

"...all those in favour of splitting them up?" he asks. Clarrise was the only camper to raise her hand but Poseidion was the only god not to. "all those in favour of letting them decide?" he asks and everyone else raises their hands, even Chiron...but still both were equeal.

"since the vote is equeal I will decide what happens-" a dark shadow covers the room and a sharp blast of coldness laid over everyone, making my arms get goosebumps and a shiver went down my spine "I say we let them decide" Hades says codly as he steps out of the shadows, his helmet under his arm.

I would have smiled if this wasnt so serious "the vote is no longer equeal" Poseidion smirks at Zeus who did not look one bit happy but he couldnt turn back now "..very well..I will give them until the end of the week" he says.

"now go back to your cabins!" Chiron says. We stand up and honestly couldnt have got out of there fast enough. I went back to my cabin silently, since Thailia had fell back asleep, and collapse on my bed.

"its Thursday.." I said to myself 'they have until the end of the week' Zeus' words tumbled around in my head...thats three days...they had three days to decide their future.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed the story and I will be posting more soon x

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