battle of love

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~Nico's P.O.V.~

"Tell him, Nico di Angelo, tell him you are a coward, afraid of yourself and your feelings. Tell him the real reason you ran from Camp Half-Blood, and why you are always alone." Cupids voice hissed.

"I left Camp Half-Blood because of love, Annabeth...she-".

"Still hiding, you do not have the strength".

"Nico," Jason managed to say "its okay. I get it".

I glanced over at him, pain and misery washing across my face "no, you dont. Theres no way you can understand".

"And so you run away again" Cupid chided "from your friends, from yourself".

"I dont have friends!" I yelled "I left Camp Half-Blood because i dont belong! ill never belong!".

"Leave him alone Cupid..." Jason croaked "this isnt..." his voice failed and I felt more alone then ever. Stuck with this monster who claimed he knew everything about love when he didnt know the first thing about it!. He just loved to see people suffer..

My voice was like broken glass "I-I wasnt in love with Annabeth".

"You were jealous of her." Jason said "thats why you didnt want to be around her. Espically why you didnt want to be around...him. It makes total sense".

All the fight and denial left me all at once. The darkness subsided. The roman dead collapsed into bones and crumled to dust. I had nothing left, nothing to hide.

"I hated myself..I hated Percy Jackson..".

Cupid became visable, watching me with satisfaction.

"I had a crush on Percy.." I spat, glaring at him...

I opened my eyes slowly, placing my hands over my face. I wasnt going to cry, I wasnt going to freaking cry. I stayed there for a few minutes, getting my emotional walls under contorl. I heard faint voices, like hushed whispers and I moved my hnd, turning a little to see Percy and Hazel in deep conversation.

I sat up slowly and they went quiet, turning to look at me but before they could do anything I say "Hazel can I talk to Percy alone for a second?" I asked and he smiled gratefully at me "..okay Nico" she said softly and she left, but I knew she was probably waiting out side.

"Nico I-" he collapsed to the ground in pain. I stood up and watched as my shadows encased him in darkness "year after year I loved you Percy, watching you with Annabeth broke me but still I loved you" I say calmly but it was as cold as ice.

I glared at him, all my anger and hate towards him slipping free "obvisouly you dont know the amount of pain and suffering I went through all because you were too blind to notice me other then the annoying brat whos sister you let die" Images flashed over his head like a slide show, showing all the memories from my point of view that I had been forced to live with. All of them of the times he had caused me to suffer, and my pain follow but a hundred times worse.

Him loosing Bianca then coming back with Annabeth like there was nothing wrong. Rubbing their relatshionship in my face and not even giving me a second glance. My arguement with Eros, being forced to admit that I loved him. She first day since we got back to this moment..thousands of them each hitting Percy like celeseral bronze bullets.

"You lied to me, you said you loved me and I was stupid enough to believe you" His strangled screams of pain rang out and the door burst open, Hazel running in "Nico?!" she screamed and I lost concentration, standing over Percys thrashing body. She rushed over to him "..Nico..what have you done?"

-Piper's P.O.V.-

I woke to shouting and screaming, but clearly I wasnt the only one. Everyone in the Aphroditie cabin was waking up and looking around mistified as they quick strapped on their armour. I was the first out but there was nothing to fight. Campers started piling out of their cabins, in a wierd combination of pyjamas and armour. I saw Jason amoung the crowd and ran over to him "do we know what it is?" i asked but he shook his head, Annabeth walked over "maybe its-"

Another shout errupted and the floor shook, a few cracks splitting the ground, a vibrational hum in the air but then everything went silent. We looked around confused the a scream came from behind us and everyone turend around, their weapons at the ready. Percy threw Nico out of the Hades cabin which took everyone by surprise and my eyes grew wide with shock. Hazel was quick to follow and she had tears trickiling down her face.

They boys had a slight glow around them as they unshetered their swords "NICO PLEASE!" hazel begged "NO HAZEL HE DESERVES TO SUFFER!" just Nico's voice alone made more splits in the earth "I DESERVE TO SUFFER?!" Percy asked, the sea roaring behind him as it rose high into the sky and started circiling him from above. "PERCY DONT DO THIS!" Hazel pleaded and he glancd at her.

"Hazel im sorry, but you saw what he did to me" he says sadly then he collapsed, thrashing on the floor and I fought back tears as I ran to stop the fight. Most of the campers charged to help but a wall blocked us. We banged on the barriar and Hazel ran over and slipped out, people could leave but not get in. She fell into Franks arms "t-they wont s-stop!" she cried. Annabeth wasnt taking it so well either, she screamed and shouted but Percy didnt even glance at her.

We watched as the battle raged on, Nico strolled towards Percy who was slowly starting to rise but looked ready to pass out. We couldnt hear what they were saying but by the way the floor and sea reacted it was obvious the shouting was still in commense. Percy raised his sword and they both charged, Percy was one of the best fighters including Nico but because of his condition he was too slow.

Nico lifted his sword then froze, midswing. Percy leant on his sword, taking deep desperate breaths, then rose to stand up straight. He pushed his hand at Nico who fell to the floor at a very paniful angel as his body twisted and thrashed, the floor shook as his scream echoed through the wall. "h-he promised he would never do it again" Annabeth sobbed "do w-what?" I ask as tears started to streak down my face "..hes making N-Nico feel like h-his blood is changing to Gorgan Poision".

I winced, Frank had told us about the time when Percy had drank Gorgan blood to win a gamble..the details were nothing compared to this. "Jason-" "ENOUGH!" Posedions voice boomed and the fighting stopped, the barriar sunk into the ground and Percy collapsd next to Nico who didnt even look like he was breathing.

Everyone turned and saw Chiron who DID NOT look please but that wasnt what we were scared off. The olympians, all twelve were looking over the scene, a different emotion on each face. "i want these two taken to the infirmary immediatly!" he said and Percy and Nico vanished in a poof of golden light along with the god Apollo and his kids. "a council meeting NOW!" Zeus said and with that we all scattered into different directions...this was going to be a long night.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed the story and I will be posting more soon x

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