2. chapter

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I was sitting in kitchen thinking about calling Marilyn.
But i don't want him to see me like a crazy stalking fan.
What do i do?

In the end, i decided to write him a message.

Me : Hi, it's me, Lara from yesterday.

Then everything i could do was just to wait.
It was...incredible to be next to him and laugh, and talk...
My only friend became Marilyn Manson. It sounded so unreal.
I haven't seen anyone so beautiful like him.

But then bell rang and i was in reality again.
I stood up and opened the door.
"Hello, Lauren Tight?" courier said.
"Yeah, that's me." i replied.
"So these are yours." he gave me bunch of black roses.
"Thank you." i said with smile and shut the door.
I looked at these roses and they made me chuckle.
They were so beautiful!

Then i noticed a message wrote on a paper levied on roses.

Hope these will make your day :D

Oh my god!
I was so amazed. Marilyn Manson just sent me flowers. So he remembers when i live. Awww.
He is so sweet.
I checked my phone and i was surprised, when i saw that someone sent me message.
I knew it'll be Marilyn.

Marilyn : Hi, Lara. Wanna go hang out today? I'll bring Twiggy ;)

Me : Of course. At 9 pm. in the park like yesterday?

Marilyn : Okay, see you there!❤

Me : Can't wait!💕💕

Marilyn sent me hearts? Awww, i was literally metling.
But i didn't think, that he loves me the way i did love him. He just wants to know his fans, right?

At 9 pm.

I was brushing my hair in bathroom,  trying to not start jumping fron excitement.
But i was nervous too.
I'll meet Twiggy Ramirez!
And i will go hang out with my idol for the second time!!
Oh my god, i hoped won't embrass myself.
I'm really good at it.

Bell rang and i knew it was Marilyn.
I looked into the mirror for last time to make sure i look okay and then went to open the door.
"Hi. You look beautiful." his smile was bright.
"Thanks." my cheecks turned red.
"Just sayin' the truth." he gived me his shoulder and we went to car together.
"Twiggy will be already in the park. He had to do some shit." Marilyn explained.
"Okay." i tried to hide the excitement.

In the park

We finally arrived, and Twiggy was already waiting next to fountain.
I really didn't know what to expect.

"Hi, guys." he stood up when he noticed us.
"Hi, bro. This is Lara." Marilyn introduced me.
"Nice to meet you." i spoke.
"Same." he smiled and showed his bright teeth. Then we shaked hands.

"So that's the girl you talked about the whole day? Nice choice." Twiggy laughed and i was blushing again.
Marilyn was talking about me?
Oh my gosh.

We were walking and talking about many things. I really like Twiggy.
He is fucking awesome.
"Wanna go on beer?" Marilyn asked me.
"Uhm, yesterday it was coffee and today it's beer?" i laughed.
"Why nor?" he laughed too.
"Okay, then. I know one awesome bar. It isn't far away." i said and pulled Marilyn to go faster. It will be fun.
"Someone lusts for alcohol." Twiggy laughed.
"Hahaha." i rolled my eyes.

We came to the bar and found some good seats.
"Hi, Lara." waiter named Billy saluted.
"Billy. These are my new and only friends..." i wanted to introduce them, but Marilyn did it before me.
"I'm Brian and this is Jeordie."
"Kay, guys. Nice to meet you. Every Lara's friend is mine too." he smiled.
"Billy, shut up. Bring us some alcohol. I'll have tequilla. Brian?" i asked.
"Same." said Twiggy.
"Okay, give me three minutes." then he ran to bring it to us.

"So...Brian..." i smiled.
"Sorry, but rather call me Brian, and Twiggy Joerdie. Friends can call us by our real names." he chuckled softly.
"That's nice. Thanks, my new friends." i giggled.
"You have got a good mood without an alcohol too." Brian smiled.
"Of course i have, because i've got my first friends." i said.
"Why are we your only friends?" Jeordie asked.
"I don't know. I think i'm wierd and too diffetent for some people. And these people manipulate everyone near me. That's all." i said with sad smile.
"That sucks." Jeordie cheered me with smile.

"It doesn't matter now." and then Billy came with our drinks.
There you go." he said and passed me my tequilla.
"Please stop me by 3rd drink, okay?" i said, because i really didn't want to get drunk like i do everytime.
"Don't worry, we'll look after you." Brian said with mockery.
"I'm serious. I'm really annoying, when i'm drunk."
"Drunk girls are cute." Jeordie went on Brian's side and i looked at him distrustfully.
"Oh my god." i whispered and drank whole glass of tequilla with one shot.
"Cheers." Brian laughed and drank whole glass of vodka too.

After few drinks

"So, Lara, what's your favourite song?" Jeordie asked.
"I think it's Cupid carries a gun and Just a car crash away." i replied.
"Nice." Brian blinked and smiled.
"Let's go and dance. Luckily no one recognizes you, so...come on!" i pulled Brian and Joerdie into the dancing crowd of people.
"Fine, but i'm warning you, i'm a bad dancer!" Brian said with laugh.
"Same." alcohol in my blood said.

AC/DC song was on, and that gave me energy.
Men were spining around me, touching my arms, but i had eyes just for Brian.
He was so beautiful and natural.
Twiggy was talking to one guy, and Marilyn was scaning my whole body.
I felt my cheecks turned red.

Then song ended and everybody stopped dancing.
"More! More!"drunk people around me were shouting and that made me shout too.
Brian was just laughing and looking at me.
"You're so goddamn cute." he said, and then i sobered up.
I stopped shouting and smiled at him.
I came closer to him and wrapled my arms around his neck.
He is so nice to me.

He did the same and put his chin into my hair.
Then i realized, that i love this guy.

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