14. chapter

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Lara's POV :

It was one o'clock in the morning when we ended watching last part of Pirates of the Caribean.
"It was amaziiing." i got up from Brian's knees, because i was lying on him whole time.
"I agree." he gave me a kiss on forehead.

"Okay, now, let's go sleep." i said.
"No-no! We are going to play a horror game." he said with laughter.
"Which horror game?" i asked hesitating.
"Five nights at Freddy's 2. Twiggy downloaded it a month ago, but i didn't have time to play it." he pointed his finger on computer.
"Mmhmm, let me think." i was teasing him with smile.

"Don't you dare to say no." he raised his finger as a warning signal.
"I think i don't have any choices." i rolled my eyes.
"Exactly!" he smiled and took his notebook.
"But i will only spectate you. I'm not playing."
"Don't tell me, that you are scared of horrors." he was laughing at me, while was the game loading.
"Don't be so childish. Of course i love horrors, but i can't play them well. Like, i'm good in games, but..." i was trying to find an excuse.

"Shush!" he whispered, when it finally loaded.
"I am so fucked." i whispered too.
Brian clicked on the 'New game', and  goosebumbs appeard on every part of my body.
There was a happy song and four smiling animatronics holding balloons, that were welcoming us.
"Wow, nice!" Brian grinned.

We were playing it for while and suprisingly, we did first night.

Second night started to be harder.
And then one of the animatronics jumped on the whole screen.
"Fuck!" i accidently fell from the chair.
"Geez." Brian started to laugh at me like mad.
"Haha." i said with sarcasm.
"You...you...love Jigsaw and that made you fall from a chair? I mean...Look! It's a cute pirate fox." he looked back on the screen still laughing.
"You screamed too!"
"Because YOU scared me, not the game." it was dark, so happily he couldn't see me blushing.
"I'm out." i shook my head and went upstairs to bedroom.

"Come on, baby." he sniveled sweetly.
"No!" i lied down on bed.
"Okay. You know what works on me." he debouched next to me.
"Lucikily." i came closer to him with intent to provoke him.
I put my lips on his slightly, and put my hand on his cheeck.
He wanted to pull me in a wild kiss, but i pulled myself away.
I smiled and he looked at me with a sad 'cat eyes'.
"No...don't-don't do that to me." he said with sad voice.
"Good night." i smiled.
"Why? Please, don't." he came closer to me.
"Next time, help me when i'll fall from a chair." i said bridled up.

"Come on, i'm sorry. Now come here. I have to cuddle with you, or i won't fall asleep." he tried to make me change my mind.
"Gosh." i rolled my eyes, because that really made me change my mind.
"Yeah!" he wrapped his arms around me.
I hid my head in his warm chest and fell asleep.

Next morning

"Waffles, bacon with eggs or oranges?" i asked Brian, altho i already knew the answer.
"Bacon with eggs!" he yelled from living room.
"I think i can forecast the future." i mumbled with smile.

While i was focusing on our breakfast, Brian came to me from the back, wrapped his hands around my waist and started kissing my neck.
"Brian...ah...i can't focus with you. Save this...for later." i said with groaning, because i really, really liked it.

"Believe me, i can't. I have to touch you every single minute. That's something what can do just me, and that makes me want to touch you even more." i felt he smiled.
"Give me a second. They're done." i took fork and picked up the food.
"Bonn appetit." i gave him his plate with breakfast.
"Thank you." he kissed me on forehead.

"What are we going to do, today?" i asked Brian while eating.
"Ehm...didn't i tell you?" he wondered.
"What?" i was confused.
"Propably not. Ugh...i've got an photographing on Kerrang today. From ten a.m. to one p.m." he said.
"And you are telling me now? It's almost nine." i said angrily.
"I'm sorry, i've forgotten too." he finished up his breakfast and went to bathroom fast.

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