4. chapter

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Dryness in my neck was really intensive, so i had to open my eyes and try to wake me up.
I noticed, that i'm hugging bottle of whiskey.
And where the fuck am i?

I looked around me, but i still couldn't remember what happend yesterday after every-day night dose of alcohol.
I wanted to sit, but brutal headache stopped me.
Fucking shity hangover.

I came out on the stairs, and then i recognized that i'm at Brian's place.
But then i remembered, that i had to go to school.
Oh god, no!

I went to kitchen to check Brian.
He was sitting on chair and eating bacon with eggs. Judging by his smudget make-up and disheveled hair, it had to be really awesome party, but he was still so fucking beautiful.
What a pity, that i can't remember anything.

"Oh, there you are. Good morning, beautifull." he said with warm smile.
Only these words made me literally wet. Oh my god. He called me beautifull!

"Good morning. Where is Jeordie?" i asked and sat on chair too.
"He went home after the party." he smiled.
"Do you remember anything? Because i don't." i said.
"We were just drinking and talking." he said.
"Okay, i'll have to go now. Thank you for yesterday. I enjoyed it." i smiled at him.
"I can say the same. Don't wanna try my breakfast?"
"Sorry, but i have school in an hour, so i'll have to go now." i chuckled softly.

"Okay. And after school we can go outside like we did yesterday." Brian offered.
"I have to go to Hot Rock's club. I work there as a barmaid. But you can pick me up after school and we can go there together." i offered.
"That sounds great. I'll be there." he blinked.
"Okay, so bye!" i was really excited.
I couldn't believe, that Marilyn Manson wanted to spend so much time with me.
I love him so much!!

Lunch break at school

I sat on chair and threw plate with 'food' on table.
"Hello, shitty Lauren." bunch of idiots screamed on me.
"Hi, fuckers!" i raised my midle finger.
"That's not good behavior. I'll teach you something later." Sally said and goosebumps appeared on my skin.
I know that he was thinking about beating the shit out of me.
Luckily i could hide the bruises on my body, but not the psychical bruises.

I couldn't be there no longer, so i stood up and ran out.
I could hear voices behind me, but i didn't stop.

When i was outside, unfortunately, i stumbled and fell on floor.
You can think that i'm milksop, but i knew they didn't have any limits.

When i wanted to stand up, someone pushed me back on floor.
I could feel the warm of blood in my mouth.
"Shitty Lara won't escape from us." i barely heard laughter.
"What are we going to do with your behavior? Let me think. What about distorting your little ugly fingers?" the disgusting laughter continued.
Someone's hands grabbed me, but suddenly threw me back on the floor, so i was lying on my back.

I wanted to hit these fuckers so much, or call for help...but there were no people because classes already started. I felt so weak and helpless.
"Lemme see." someone knelt next to me and grabbed my hand.
"Please...don't." i started to cry.
I was no longer confident.
I just began to beg.
"Awww, she is begging us. So cute. But no." i could see his fucking smile, but everything was so...blurred.
Then laughter stopped.
I could hear someone shouting. I tried to focus my sight and it was succesfull.
I saw Brian beating the shit out of these bullys. I totally forgot about Brian.

Blood was everywhere. I didn't even know if it was mine.
Brian's fist landed on Sally's face, and that made my heart feel warm.
I could see anger in Brian's face.
Another fuckers were running away and screaming : 'you are fucking dead, shitty Lauren!'
And that made me smile. I knew that.
I won't get out of this.

"Please, stop!" i heard Sally, which surprised me.
"You didn't stop, when Lara was begging." i heard Brian's voice.
"That bitch doesn't deserve me to stop!" he screamed.
And that was enough for Brian to knock him out.
Then Marilyn knelt next to me.
"Shit, are you okay? Ugh, that's stupid question. Come on." he said and took me i.to his arms.
"Lara, can you hear me?" he started to worry.
"Y-yes, it just hurts..."

"Forget about club, i'm gonna take you home."
"But it doesn't sound like fun." i smiled.
"Jesus Christ, girl. They were going to kill you and you just wanna have some fun?" he laughed.
"I'll be fine, get me down." i said.
"Okay." Brian slowly put me on my own feet.
"Come, i'll drive you home." he grabbed my hand and we went to car together.

"How long?" Marilyn broke the silence.
I knew right what did he mean by asking this.
"Since first day in this school."  i said.
"Oh my gosh, are you serious? Why  didn't you tell anyone?" he said angryly.
"Are you upset right now?" i was confused.
"Sorry, i'm not upset at you." he apologised.

"That's okay. I just know that no one would trust me."

"No one was here to defend you?" now his voice was sad.
"No." i stared at my shoes. It's true.
"Like...who would defend me?
I'm nobody. I'm just useless."
"Don't you dare to say things like that! You know that isn't true! They made you to think like this." he said and then it started to make sense to me.
I gave them exactly what they wanted.
Then we both were quiet.

I opened my eyes when car stopped.
Brian opened the door and helped me to get out.
We got inside my house and i slowly sat on couch.
"Do you want an ice? It doesn't doesn't look good." he sat next to me and grabbed my hand.
"It's okay, it doesn't hurt anymore." i said with sad smile.
"You have to be tired. Wanna get some sleep...or..."

"Stop, Brian. I'm okay." i had to stop him. It's cute that he cares about me but...

"Sorry." he looked at me with guilt.
"No, i'm sorry. I am just exhausted of life and everything." i dipped my head.
"It will be fine. You know what i think? You should get out of the school. Just fuck everyone. You don't need collage to be a fantastic writer. And it will be easier for you." he suggested.

"That's not bad idea. And honestly i hate it there. And it'd be better for my time and money too. I'll have enough money just as a barmaid. And then i can start with writing." i said with big happy smile.
"That's awesome." he smiled too.
"Thank you, Brian. I don't know if i'd be alive without you." i rode on his hand with fingers.
"I'll tell you this. I have got fame and a lot of people around me. But they all want just money. I've got only two true friends, expect my band. Johnny Depp and you." i felt my heart beating again.
"M-me?" tears of happines were in my eyes.

"Yes, you." he smiled at me.
"You aren't like other people. You are speciall." everything i ever wanted wasn't just an hug. My heart and body needed a kiss. Kiss from Brian Hugh Warner, man i fell in love with.

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