7. chapter

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(For those who don't know👆, Charles Manson died few days ago in hospital and this song is Marilyn's cover Sick city written by Charles Manson. Hope you DON'T rest in piece, Charles.
Love you, mansonites💜💜)

Lara's POV :

Brian wanted to go to karaoke bar and i couldn't resist.
He found nice place for us, so we could pick from many songs.
"First we have to get drunk, and then sing." i laughed.
"Okay, i recommend vodka. It's my favourite and you are drunk like piece of shit after three drinks." he laughed too.
"Son of a biscuit, then i'll try vodka." i cringed.

After a 'few' drinks

"I fucking kn-know which song!" i shouted.
"Which?" Marilyn asked with sweet drunk voice.
I love being drunk with him.
"Gangsta's paradise!" i laughed.
"Fine! DJ! Gansta's paradise!" Brian said strictly and i laughed and laughed till the music started playing.

"Power and the money, money and the power, minute after minute, hour after hour.
Keep spending most our lives
Livin' in a gangsta's paradise
Been spending most their lives
Livin' in a gangsta's paradise
We keep spending most our lives
Livin' in a gangsta's paradise." we 'sang' together.

"We areee fucking awesome, bitch." Brian gave me fast kiss on cheek.
"I know." i blinked and came closer to him.
"What will be next song?" he smiled and wrapped his arms around me.
"I don't know. What about Lady Gaga?" i laughed, because i knew it was really stupid idea.
"I can't even hear about that bitch. What about that asshole Justin Bieber?" he started laughing too and finished a bottle of vodka.

"Hey, you said you'll-you'll leave me a little bit." i pointed my finger on the bottle.
"Don't worry. My plan is buying another."  he giggled.
"I think you both have enough!" barmaid looked at us with raised eyebrow.
"Bitch!" i raised my middle finger and that made Brian laugh like mad.
"That's my girl." he gave me another fast kiss on cheeck.

"Let's get out." i grabbed his hand and groggily went to the exit.
"Okay, i think that i should call my boss that i'm outta athat shit."
"Good idea." Brian staggered a little bit.

"H-hi my boss. I have to tell, that you are an incredible asshole. So i'm out!! Bye, bye and good luck." i laughed into the phone.
"Lara, are you fucking kidding me?" boss screamed angrily.
"Does it look like a joke? Bye!" i said mocking.
"You are so cute." Brian came to me with big sweet smile and gave me a hug.
"You toooo." i lean my head against Brian's coat and feel the warmth of his chest as he breathes up and down and i smell his Cool wawe perfume.
It was amazing feeling.
Feeling, that someone cares about you.

"Next time we won't be drunk okay? Like normal people." Brian smiled.
"Okay, we'll try. But we are celebrating, so..." i laughed.
"I love you." he said with his chin in my hair.
"I love you too." i smiled and i felt my heart gone warm.
That's first time we said we love each other, but alcohol didn't let me to think about it more.
"Do you wanna go at my place?" he asked.
"Sounds good." i looked up at him.

At Marilyn's place

"So, when are you going on the tour?" i asked Brian while sitting on couch.
"In two weeks. I'll miss you." he sat next to me.
"I'll miss you too, but think about how many people you will make happy by meeting or seeing you." i took his hand.
"If you say so.." he shrinked his eyebrows.
"You said, that you love touring and meeting your fans. That's the way we met." i smiled.
"That's right." he smiled too.
"Now let's listen to some music and drink some bourbon." i suggested with raised eyebrow.
"Good idea. Pick one of the CD's. I'll get the bourbon." he went to kitchen.

I went to closet with many, many CD's.
There was literally everything!
From AC/DC to Behemoth.
I went trough every CD with my eyes, and when i saw Korn, i picked them.
But then i heard sound of iPhone, so i went to living room to see, who's calling Brian.
That name was on the screen.
Who's Hannah and why is she calling my boyfriend?
Calm down, Lara!
She's propably his producer or something like that, but alcohol didn't let me believe that.

"Someone called you." i said, when Brian finally came with bottle.
"Uh, who?" he asked with interesting while he poured out bourbon.
"Someone named Hannah." i said awkwardly.
"Fuck. She owes me some money, but she can't pay back. Propably she wants to say some shitty excuses." he rolled his eyes.
"Ugh. That sucks." i felt relaxed.
"It does. For her." he chuckled.
"How much does she owe?" i asked.
"More than one thousand."
"That's a lot."
"Not for me." he smiled.
"Cheers." we raised our drinks into the air.

"And what about your family, parents?" Brian changed the subject.
"I didn't talk to them since i moved." i rumpled shoulders.
"What? That's a long time. At least you should text them." he raised his eyebrow.
"I don't think i should. My mother passed away a year ago. She was the only normal person in my family." i sighed.

"Aw, the funeral must have been very difficult." he smiled sadly.

"I wasn't at her funeral." my cheecks turned red of shame.
"Why?" he started to be interested in this subject, didn't realizing, that i don't want to talk about my family.
"There was not enough time and in the end i don't think she deserved it. Please, i really don't wanna talk about it." i said honestly.
"Oh, sorry, just my drunk mind can't think soberly." he laughed.
"No!" i was pretending incredulousing trying to hide smile.

"I have to tell you something." Brian said seriously.
"Okay, what is it?" i tried to be serious too.
"Media already noticed, that something is happening and i think, that i'll have to kick out Twiggy." he said sadly.
"What the fuck? Why? Because of what his ex-girlfriend said. It isn't so much business." i was shocked.
"You can't even imagine, how much it can hurt our reputation. And he shits at whole band. He plays the concerts and that's all."
"You are antichrist superstar for god's sake! No one can hate you more than now." i tried to make it clear and explain, that kicking Twiggy out is bullshit.

"Ugh, maybe you're right." he looked up at me with excusing smile.
"Of course i'm right. And now i think we should end, because i am your new secretary and i'll have to wake you up early in morning." i said with raised finger.
"You are my secretary, and i say that you can wake up whenever you want." Brian said with empty bottle in hand.
"You are the best boss ever!" i said laughing.
"Say something i don't know." he laughed too.

Everything was perfect, till my ex-boyfriend sent me message.

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