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Ocean's POV

It's been two weeks since Ethan and Grayson moved in with me. Not gonna lie it's so much better than I thought, and they are actually better than Meredith. Meredith never helped me do he dishes, laundry, vacuuming or cleaning the apartment. The twins help me with everything. Literally, Grayson helps me with editing and Ethan helps me with filming. We collaborate a lot, Vanessa and Veronica come around quite often.

Anyways my sister is coming today to stay with me for a month and a half. Her name is Ileana and she is also 17. My parent adopted her when she was 3 months old, they found her in the church with a note that showed all her details (like when she was born, how much she weighed, how tall she was and the first name of her birth parents. Leona and Luke.) her parents left her because they both were criminals and they didn't want her to have that sort of life. We treat her like a blood member of this family (don't know if that made sense😂 hopefully you get the point).

Ileana and I have so much in common. We look quite similar. We have the same hobbies, the same likings but she is good at writing things and I'm good at reading. I'm more athletic than her but she isn't too bad hahah. Both of us can sing but she is more a musician than I am, I'm more of a dance but I can sing pretty well.

I'm currently going to pick her up at the airport. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HER! ahhhh I MISS HER SO MUCH!

*skip the ride*

As soon as I parked my car me phone started ringing. It was Ethan

[Phone call]

E: O! Where are you? It's 3 in the morning!

O: Oh! I forgot to tell you my sister is coming to Cali and I'm at the airport to pick her up. -I put my hand on my forehead *how could I forget to tell him*

E: Omg O don't do that to me and by the way why didn't you wake me up? I could've come with you the airport is like an hour away.

O: I didn't want to bother you. - I said as I got me purse and walked out of my car and locked it.
O: Get some sleep E I'll talk to you when I get home. Byeeeeee.

E: *chuckles* okay bye drive safe babe. -I was shocked because we do flirt a little but we haven't gotten to that part of flirting (😂).
E: I mean... uhhh...

O: I could get used to that *laughter* good night Ethan. - I said while chuckling

E: *nervously chuckles * night.

[end of call]

I walked into the waiting area until I feel something heavy on my back. It takes me a while to realise who it was.

"Ileana!!!" I yelled in excitement

"Ocean!!" She yelled back

"I missed you so much" I say to her

"Can't say the same" she replies trying so hard to hide her smile. It's not working cause no one is closer to anyone than I am to her and she is to me no one can prove me wrong.

"take that back you little bitch" I say tickling her

"O..ka..y I'm so..rry" she says between laughs and at this point she is lying on the ground laughing loudly. We completely ignore all the people giving us weird looks.

"OMG ITS OCEAN GILMORE AND ILEANA GILMORE!!!" We were interrupted by a group of girls who I'm guessing are our fans.

"Hey girls. I need to say something before we start taking photos. Um as you can see Ileana just got off a flight and she is tired so we will just take one photo with each of you, you know what I mean like no photo shoots today. As much as I would love too, but I really appreciate you guys and all the support you guys give me honestly love you guys" I say looking at the girls and some boys then at Ileana

"Yeah guys I am super tired but let's get the photos quickly"

After we took photos with our fans we went to my car and went home.

*skip the ride*

It's currently 5:30am and Ileana fell asleep in the car. I didnt want to wake her up because I know how mad she gets when somebody wakes her up and plus she is super tired. So I decided to call Ethan. He didn't pick up ugh he is such a deep sleeper. Let's try Grayson.

Grayson's POV

I woke up 15 mins a go because I need to work out before Ethan and I need to got to a meeting at 9, but I have some editing to do as well. I was about to walk into the apartment complex's gym when my phone rang. I picked it up without checking the caller ID.

[Phone call]

O: Hey Gray

G: Hey are you okay? - I said kinda confused as to why she is up right now. I mean she normally sleeps till 8-9ish.

O: Yeah I'm okay *lightly chuckles* um I actually went to pick my sister up from the airport and she kinda fell asleep. She gets super mad when people wake her up and um she is too heavy for me to carry all the way up to my apartment. So I was wondering is you could help me?"

G: Sure but she isn't like 187 pounds is she? -I said trying to be funny doesn't really work.

O: Hahaha no she is actually just a little heavier than me.

G: I'll be right there. -and with that I hang up and make my way to Gil's (Ocean Gilmore) parking spot.

"Hey" I said to Gil as she was standing out side the car looking for me I guess?

"Hi you were going to workout at... 5:50am?"she said with a little pause in the middle while she looks at her phone to check the time.

"Yeah. Ethan and I have a meeting at 8-9ish so going to workout for an hour then shower and eat then edit Tuesday's video before the meeting" I reply telling her my schedule till the meeting.

"Oh yeah Ethan told me about that meeting"

"Speaking of telling people. You said I'm a best friend to you right?" I asked her and she nodded

"Then which best friend doesn't tell their best friend that their sister is coming!?" I said put my hand on my hips dramatically.

"I'm sorry I forgot. You would think that I was so excited that I wouldn't stop talking about it - actually that's what always happens but I've been stressed about this weeks YouTube video lol"

"You don't have to be stressed I'll help you with anything" I say to her

"Thanks but now help me with her" she says pointing to the passenger seat

"Oh yeah sorry" I said walking to the passenger seat door

"Wait what's her name?" I asked before opening the door

"Her name's Ileana" Ocean says as I open the door. Wow Ileana is pretty she is the same height as Ocean they actually look quite similar.

Sorry for the super late upload but I have my exams coming up next week so I've been studying really hard but I'll be sure to keep updating.

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