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"What?" he said lazily at the little girl who's narrowing her eyes on him since he came. I beat him lightly while watching how Suji not even flinching the eyes on poker face Mino.

"That's not how you greet kid." I said then taking Suji to my lap, still try to kill Mino with her stare. "Suji won't greet Uncle Mino?"

"I am not an uncle. Fix it or I'll never greet the two of you." He pouts make me chuckled and then looking at little Suji again.

"It's Mino oppa, my fiancé."

"What is fiancé, barbie?" she then looks up at me with her doe eyes cutely, make me pinch her cheeks playfully.

"Fiancé is..." I look at Mino asking for his help since I am not good at explaining something like this. I am not a dictionary anyway.

"In short way, I'll be her husband soon." He said still lazily supporting his head with his right hand.

"It's not good."

"What is not good?" I ask her curious.

"He is bad, I want you with Jungkook oppa." She said innocently somehow erasing a thin smile which is starting to grow on Mino's face.

"Your Jungkook oppa is such a jerk." I need to slap Mino but Suji just faster than me.

"Cursing is bad, Mino oppa." I chuckled when Mino himself covering his mouth with his palm, feeling slightly guilty.

"This is why I hate kids." He then saying looking at me who's busy laughing over their cute interaction.

"So, you don't want to have kids? Then bye? I am not marrying you." I said pretending to be angry. But rather than feel guilty, he only smirking teasing me with his eyes.

"So, you already planning to have kids with me huh?" he teases make me pout then blowing my bangs. "Just don't be tired to have two or more Mino for you to raise."

"No, barbie. Jungkook oppa-"

"Shut the f-"

"Do I hear someone cursing?" I gulped when I see Jennie unnie standing beside us, hand on her hips, watching us suspiciously.

"Mino oppa was cursing twice, mommy. Beat him." Suji boldly pointing her finger to Mino who looks so done with the spoiled girl in front of him. For my fear, then Jennie unnie taking the ruler which is just placed near the table and walking to Mino.

"Show me your hand!" she sternly looking at Mino, which is now automatically, scarily showing her his both hands, to get beaten with the rule, twice. I was crying to death watching how Mino watching Jennie unnie in horror until she sat beside us. "Next time I'll kick your butt if you ever cursing in front of my daughter." He nodded innocently.

"I don't see Yoongi oppa." I tell her while rubbing Suji's head softly.

"Accompany her to the hospital." I nodded understanding who's she means with her. "Honestly she doesn't even look ill. She is just pale. Duh." She said irritated, but I won't blame Jennie unnie. Because she forgot everything, like how sick her mind was, she is still in pain. But I proud of Min Jisoo, she just tries to be better. She went to the hospital, meet the psychiatrist, she also starts to text me, talking about her feeling. She also takes the pill in time every day, she is healthier now.

"I am home." Yoongi oppa just come and kiss Jennie unnie's forehead while looking at Mino disliking his presence. But the man only makes the eye contact with the little Suji, doing starring contest. "Lisa." He then smiles at me nodding his head, I nodded to him back.

"How's everything?" Jennie unnie asked Yoongi oppa who's now taking Suji from my lap to his embrace.

"Good. Jungkook with us."

STEP SISTER [LK] - 2nd book of STEP BROTHERWhere stories live. Discover now