VII- Love You

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V has been visiting our dorm for the past two weeks. As much as I want him to be with me all the time, I don't want to be an inconvenience to him knowing that they just had their comeback and they're going to have a very busy schedule soon.

"it's okay if you don't visit for the next days, or weeks.. I completely understand" I said to him while pinching his cheeks.

"but, I always want to see you" V pouted.

"I know, I do too.  but we both agreed that we're going to do whatever's best for our career, and I don't want to keep you away from your armys.. besides, there's always video chat"

"hmm of that's what you want jagiya" he smiled widely.

"jagiya?!.. Since when did you started calling me that?" I laughed loudly..

Then Jennie suddenly went inside my room.

"I don't really want to break this chumminess here, but Lisa we have to go now.. " Jennie said she looks annoyed all at us all the time but I know it's just her face hehehe

"and V... Jin texted Jisoo.. He asked why you're not answering your phone.. We just said that the three of you might be busy.." she added.

"three of us?" V asked looking confused AF

"yeah, it's just me and V here. What do you mean?" I was confused as well so I asked Jennie

"I don't know.. After all the time you spent here in your room.  There might be three of you now" Jennie Smirked.

I already got what she meant so I threw a pillow at her..

"hahaha come on, we gotta hurry" she said then went out.

I got up and I looked at V he's still processing what Jennie said..

"oh for God's sake V. Don't mind her" I smiled at him then he got up as well.


"what are we going to do today Jenn?" Jisoo asked.

"We're going to YG.. I'm not really sure why Yang sajangnim wants to talk to us" Jennie replied.

Then Jisoo and Rosé looked at me. I know they think it's probably because of me, maybe YG already found out about me and V.

"don't worry Lisa.. I think it's not because of you"  Jennie assured me as if she's reading my thoughts.

We arrived at the building and we went straight  to a conference room..

When we went in almost everyone was there
Winner, Ikon, Big Bang, CL unnie, and Other artists..

It looks like none of them know what we're all doing here as well.

Then YG finally said something..
"so.. We're going to have a reality show"
I can here everyone almost gasped.

Then they started talking about it.  Suggesting here, suggesting there.. The meeting went on for atleast an hour.

We were about to go because the meeting was already dismissed when suddenly YG asked me to stay. "just Lisa" YG added.

My members looked puzzled but they decided to just follow YG.

I sat down at a chair next to him.. I can't help but look at my shoes because I'm so nervous..

"so.. Do you know why I wanted to talk to you?" YG asked

"I'm sorry" that's the only thing I could say because I know he knows about me and V already..

or so I thought.. Because wheb I looked at him. He looks confused.

"why are you apologizing?" he asked

"uhmm-- I-I'm apologizing.. B-because I don't know why you wanted to talk to me" I lied.

"oooh.. Well a producer asked me if you could be in a variety show.. Your manager already know this.. We are just waiting for your approval" he said then he handed me a folder.

I was surprised when I opened the folder, the name of the show was written on it.. 'We Got Married'

"we got married? I thought this show already ended?" I asked YG.

"they're preparing for a brand new season.. and they wanted you to be part of it.. so.. Are you willing to do it?"

I don't want to make V mad.. But I also don't want to disappoint YG,  my manager, and also my members..

"Yes.. I'm willing.. To do it"

"good.. don't worry too much though.. It'll be for a month and a half only" YG smiled, and then left.

My members are waiting for me outside.. Jisoo immediately snatched the folder away and her eyes widen as she saw what's written in it.. Rosé and Jennie gasped.

"I know.. I know.." I said to them.

"but how about V?" Jisoo whispered.

"I just have to tell him the truth" I sighed.

As soon as we reached home I went to my room and laid on my bed..

I stared at my phone for a good one minute before I dialed V's number.

I don't really know how to tell him..

Hmmm he's not picking up..

'hey this is V.. I may be busy at the moment, please just leave a message after the beat '

I tried calling him three times but it kept on going to voicemail..

Maybe he's busy right now.. I'll just talk to him tomorrow.

V's Point of View

Ugh I'm so tired already.. Because of our comeback we have to go on several promotions, we just finished filming for Knowing Brothers.

"guys, we have to go, our manager wanted to discuss something" namjoon said.

all of us looked really tired, but if it's for our ARMY then it's worth it..

Our manager went inside the room with a folder in his hands.

"this is why I called you here" He placed it in front of us.

Namjoon grabbed it and read it out loud.

"We Got Married? I thought that show was already over? " RapMon asked while reading what's in the folder.

"it was, but they are now preparing for a new season.. they said they wanted V to be a part of it... but if V can't participate anyone will do" our manager said..  I think he knows why I can't participate

"hmmm I'm not really sure.." I said. I know that this would be good, but I don't want to worry Lisa.. "I think I'm gonna pass on this one" I added.

"so.. If you won't do it, then who will?"  Our manager eyed each of us

"I will" Jungkook said. We all looked at him in surprised.

"really?" jimin said

"yeah.. I mean why not.. It says here that it's for 'a month and a half' only.. " he shrugged

"anyone else wants to do it?" our manager asked. No one else reacted. "ok, so I'm going to contact the producers" then he left the room.

I immediately went to Jungkook "hey, thank you for volunteering, I know if no one else will do it, I'll have no choice but to do it." I patted his shoulders.

"it's nothing.. I also wanted it anyway" he smiled.

It's already 3 in the morning when we arrived at our dorm.. There were three missed calls from Lisa. She's probably asleep now. So I'll just text her.

'hey, I'm sorry I missed your calls. I'll talk to you tomorrow if I can. Love you'

I Sent the message then went to sleep.

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