Hi! Okay so these are just a few preferences for Voltron Legendary Defender. I love this show so much and so I decided this is going to be my first book! No hate please, I know it's not the best, or even moderately good, but it's only my first book...
Shiro: It was Y/N's first day out in the field. They had just graduated from the Garrison and was working as a scientist for the space exploration program. They was supposed to go out to Pluto to explore the planet. And it's surroundings. And they got to wear a spacesuit. And they was supposed to meet their pilot at 9:00 am on the dot. Crap. Their first day they were late. Half an hour late. At 9:33 they sprinted over to their superiors. "Ah L/N glad you could make it." "Yeah sorry about that," Y/N responded, looking down. "Well, you're here now. I'd like to introduce you to your pilot for this mission, Takashi Shirogane." Y/N looked up to see a very handsome man walk in. He had dark hair and gorgeous brown eyes. And he was extremely muscular. "Hello, L/N was it?" He asked. "Ye-yeah, that's me. Just call me Y/N," Y/N stuttered. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N."
Lance: Y/N had just joined the Galaxy Garrison. A training school for cadets who wanted to explore the universe. They was a fighter class pilot, one of the best in their class. They were just wandering about the halls when a boy in their class, Lance McClain they thought his name was, strode up to them. "Hey babe, do you believe in love at first sight or do I have to walk by again?" He flirted. Damn he was smooth. However, they was quite immune to his charms. "I don't believe in love at first sight but I do believe in annoyed at first sight. If you walk by again, just keep walking," they replied. "Ever do you wound me Y/N!" He yelled so loud that people started staring. Great, there was an audience. "Umm people are staring." "At my beauty, I know, you get used to it," Lance said, confidently. But Y/N had left. "Damn."
Keith: Y/N was exploring the area around the Garrison, which is what they did to get away from the cocky pilots in their class. They were walking through a canyon area when someone ran into them and they fell backwards. "Hey! Watch it!" Y/N yelled, annoyed at the person who had knocked them to the ground. "Sorry," the stranger mumbled, his voice barely audible. Y/N looked up at the stranger. They recognised him from the Garrison but couldn't put a name to his face.He had a black mullet; his violet eyes were hypnotic. His body was slightly toned. Y/N stood up and brushed the dust off of them. "Well you should be! Be careful next time, you're not the only person in the area you know," Y/N practically screamed. "Wait. Aren't you a cadet? Why are you even out here? It's out of bounds." He asked. "I could ask you the same thing," they retorted. "I won't tell if you won't." "Deal."
Hunk: Y/N was eating lunch in the cafeteria on their own. Again. It was hard making friends when they didn't know anyone. They picked at their food with the silver cutlery they had been given. "Hey, is this seat taken?" A voice asked. "No. Go ahead and take it," Y/N replied. "Thanks. I noticed you were on your own and thought you could use some company," the voice, which you now recognised as a male's, said. "Yeah, well that's what happens when you're the new kid." "You're new? That makes more sense. I thought a beauty like you couldn't possibly be alone of their own will," he said, blushing furiously after realising what he just said. Y/N looked down trying to hide their face, which was equally as red. "If you want, I could be your first friend here?" He suggested. Y/N smiled. "I'd like that."
Pidge: Y/N was wandering the hallways of his new school. They were nervous. Like extremely nervous. I mean, what if they didn't like them? What if they called them a nerd? Yes they were a nerd and proud of it but what if they teased them for it? What if they couldn't find any friends? They were brought out of their thoughts by crying. It was coming from the bathroom. He walked in and saw one of the stalls was locked. Curious, Y/N slid into the stall next to it and peered over. They saw a girl, who looked roughly their age. The girl had light brown hair that was on the verge of being blonde; her caramel brown eyes were red and puffy from the tears. "Hey are you okay?" Y/N asked, concern visible in their tone. "I'm fine. Just go away," the girl retorted. "Clearly you're not otherwise you wouldn't have yelled at me like I'm doing something wrong," Y/N shot back. "Yeah well it's none of your business anyway," the girl mumbled. "Well I'm new here and the fact that someone is crying could possibly indicate that harsh and negative things are said to one another here. This conversation further proves my hypothesis." "You're new?" "Yeah." "Oh. Then I'm sorry for snapping. It's just that, um well, I thought you might have been one of the jerks who laughed at me today in class." "Aha! So there is some bullying going on," Y/N sort of yelled. "Yeah. They call me a nerd because I work hard and am into 'nerdy' things," she said, sounding slightly more upset than angry now. "What's wrong with being a nerd?!" "Nothing! It's just you tend to get teased about it here," the girl replied. "Well not anymore. I'm proud to be a nerd and you should be too! We can be nerd friends!" Y/N exclaimed. "Oh, I'm Y/N, by the way, Y/N L/N." "I'm Katie. Welcome to middle school." (This is set before she becomes Pidge)
Allura: (Just a little background first, because, you can't meet Allura on earth. You're best friends with Lance and Hunk and when they find the Blue Lion, you go with them.) Y/N stepped out of the giant robotic lion, feeling slightly queasy. Ugh, Lance was the worst pilot ever. Lance, Hunk, him, Pidge, Keith and Shiro were standing in front of a castle. A freaking castle. "Woah."
~~~~Time skip because I'm lazy~~~~~~
The group walked through the illuminated halls until they reached a room with a single control panel in it. Pidge immediately started prodding it and getting excited. Suddenly, a pod shot up from the floor. When it opened, a strange and beautiful female fell out. "Father!" The woman yelled as she fell. Y/N immediately rushed to catch her. "Hey, who are you? Are you okay?" "I could ask you the same thing. What are to doing in my castle?" "A magic blue lion brought us here! don't hurt us!" Hunk yelled, clearly terrified. "Impossible. Where is it's paladin?!" The woman shouted. "We don't know what you're talking about. Maybe if you could tell us who you are and where you came from, we could help," Y/N suggested. "I am Princess Allura of Altea." "Pleasure to meet you princess, I'm Y/N."
Okay so that's all done! Sorry they're short and IK they're bad but just bear with me cos (I'm hoping) they'll get better. Also, I drew myself as an Altean and wanted to show you it's not the best but I tried!
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