How they ask you out( Alien)

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Been writing a lot lately. Again, updates are higgildy piggildy.

           After helping with Team Voltron for a few months, you and Shiro became quite close. After a few weeks, Shiro developed feelings for you. He asked you to stay behind after training one day. You thought you were in trouble, everyone else however knew what was going on. You stayed behind and he asked you if you would like to have dinner with him sometime. Just the two of you. You accepted and gave him a light peck on the cheek before exiting.

After being rescued by Lance, you had stayed with the paladins in the Castle of Lions. Like Allura, your home planet had been completely destroyed by the Galra and you were seemingly the only survivor. Lance would constantly flirt with you around the ship but you thought nothing of it. Then one day, he asked you to meet him in his room. There, he asked you out; he was blushing furiously and rambling on a little bit. You accepted and he hugged you. You blushed lightly, hair turning a brilliant magenta and hugged back.

Keith:           As you trained Keith to be a member of the Blades of Marmora, you two became close

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           As you trained Keith to be a member of the Blades of Marmora, you two became close. That closeness, as it does in those stereotypical love stories, developed into something more. You weren't sure if Keith felt the same or not but you built up the courage to ask him out. You asked him to stay a little later after you had finished training and asked him out. He said yes immediately( like a little too fast), his face a tomato.

           After helping Hunk get home, you stayed with the paladins, helping them track down Zarkon's forces through talking to the plants of different planets they attacked. During your time as a member of the team, you formed a crush on Hunk and he had a crush on you, though you were both completely oblivious to the other's affection. The entire team had been hinting for either of you to make a move. But neither of you had. One day they had all had enough and Pidge locked the two of you in a room together. You were both blushing messes at this. After 12 minutes of sitting together in silence, he confessed that he liked you and asked you out. You gladly confessed as well and accepted his date.

You and your sister worked with the rebellion and Voltron to free other prisoners of the Galra. Pidge visited you a lot since you have joined forces with them. She mainly asked you questions about your alien race as you were part technology and she was a techie. A little after she had first started visiting, she asked oyou to accompany you on a special mission. Little did you know it was actually a date.

You and Allura had spent a lot of time together recently. Allura wanted to make sure you're okay, getting to know you in the process. Eventually, she gained feelings for you and you for her. You were quite oblivious to her obvious advances but she was not giving up easily.  It had come to the point where she just yelled at you basically demanding for you to go out with her. You were kind of in shock but agreed nonetheless.

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