Hi! Okay so these are just a few preferences for Voltron Legendary Defender. I love this show so much and so I decided this is going to be my first book! No hate please, I know it's not the best, or even moderately good, but it's only my first book...
Shiro: Shiro had told you not to dress fancy. You were very nervous because you had been told only the bare minimum about what you were doing. It was going to be a 'surprise'. So as soon as you stepped out of your door, you were immediately blindfolded. You were a little surprised by this and let out a short, soft squeal. Shiro chuckled. "It's not funny! I got a shock," You huffed, unable to stop a smile spreading across your face. "It was a little funny." "Fine, I guess it was."
~~~~~One Car Journey Later~~~~~~~
"Can I take off my blindfold now?" You asked, hearing the car come to a halt. Shiro didn't respond. He simply opened the door and helped you out of the vehicle. Walking you over to some place(which you couldn't see because you're blindfolded), he finally took your blindfold. Looking around you, you found yourself in a small hidden garden. The garden was illuminated by candlelight and ,in the centre of it all, there was a lovely wooden table with two matching wooden chairs on either side. "It's beautiful." You whispered in awe. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You ate your meal and at the end of the date, after he had dropped you back of at your home, you kissed him on the cheek and thanked him for the amazing evening that you two had shared.
Lance: "Here we are." "It's amazing Lance." " Not as amazing as you beautiful~" Rolling your eyes and looking around, you took in the gorgeous natural beauty that was the beach during sunset. "Y/N?" Turning to Lance, you saw a large tartan picnic blanket sprawled over the sand; it was set with various plates and bowls of food. "Lance, this is amazing," you said as you slowly sat down on the blanket. "It's nothing, all I did was set it up." Your eyes met his. Blushing, you smiled. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You are the picnic then had a super amazing huge water fight in the ocean till it was time to go back to the Garrison.
Keith: "Laser Tag!!!!" "Yeah..." "Watch me whip your ass." Keith had taken you to a laser tag arena which you were currently waiting to start. You were on different teams and you were sure you could beat him. "In your dreams L/N." Keith smirked at you, cockily. Oh HE WAS GOING DOWN. ~~~Time skip to in-game~~~ You were currently hiding from Keith because, damn, was he good at this game and you were failing miserably. "Boo." "AAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!" Turning your head, your E/C orbs met gleaming Violet eyes. "Man down!" Your life light went off. "Now I have to go heal," you whined, "jerk." "You challenged me." "That was when I though I stood a chance! Hate to admit it Kogane but you are way better than me at this." Slowly, you raised your hand in defeat. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You ended up playing four more games and Keith won. every. Single. TIME.
Hunk: "Cooking Lessons?" "It'll be fun." "Okay but if I poison you then it's not my fault." You laughed as Hunk lead you to your shared counter. Each one had a sink and an oven. AKA a drowning device and a burning device. Envisioning all the ways you could possibly fail, you and Hunk set to work. ~Time skip to when you have finished~ You looked down at your plate. It was burnt on the outside yet raw on the inside (like how is that physically possible?!) and it barely even looked like food. Turning your head, you glanced at Hunk's plate of food. It took your breath away. The food looked cooked to perfection, each piece elegantly and thoughtfully placed, it looked professional. "HOW IN THE NAME OF—" "I just did it, I don't really know how," Hunk smiled at you sheepishly then cast his eyes downward. You stabbed a fork in his cuisine; you ripped a piece off and stuffed it in your mouth. Clang! The fork dropped on the floor. "You!" You cried ,pointing at him. "You have a gift." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And that is how you spent the rest of your date. Crying at Hunk's amazing food and eating it.
Pidge: Pidge took you to the cinema to see Justice League (which was actually good compared to the other DCEU films [excluding Wonder Woman of course]) and your were both really excited. You had some of the best seats their and you had bought Pidge and yourself [popcorn flavour/type] popcorn each. You even bought matching shirts:
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"Are you ready for the ULTIMATE EPIC EXPERIENCE?" You yelled. "Infinity War isn't out until next ye— Ow!" Not allowing Pidge to finish, you punched her. You were a hardcore DC fan (sorry if you don't like comics or prefer marvel ). You took your seats and watched the trailers eagerly. Holding Pidge's hand, you squealed each time a trailer for a movie you wanted to see came on. " I can't wait for that," you whispered, excited. "Or that." "Or that." "Oh my god that is going to be amazing!!!!" Pidge was honestly glad the trailers came to an end. ~~~~~Time skip through the film~~~~~ You held her hand the whole way through the film. Once it ended, you got the bus back to her house and dropped her off. The entire bus journey you debated about the Injustice League film that was bound to come out. When you reached her house, Pidge thanked you for "nerding out" with her and said she would very much like to do it again. You made plans for next Saturday.
Allura: You and Allura had taken a pod out into space. Dazed, you looked out over the sea of stars. Thee were millions of them, scattered about unevenly, each a different colour, if only slightly. Allura joined you in your stargazing gesturing to the vast, bright patch of space. "Fascinating, isn't it? Each one is a burning ball of gas that will one day explode into colour." Allura looked at you, then back at the stars. "They're almost as beautiful as you," you told her, attempting to sound suave. She laughed lightly. "Charming." "I try." This sent both of you into laughter. Suddenly a comet whooshed by and both of you were reminded of where you were, among the beautiful stars. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You spent the rest of the evening star-gazing and laughing and talking and having fun.
A/N: okay so IK it's bad but I'm sick and I'll probably edit it later on. Also these are super short but honestly I just need to keep it short so I can update quicker. Also, may just post some really short ones and wait for a bit until The Date(Alien). xxx