How you meet( Alien)

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Just a warning, these preferences will be set in different times. Like for Keith's it's set all the way in Season 4 . Bear that in mind. I'll tell you when it's set though.

             (You came out of a pod similar to Allura)
"King Alfor (is that how you spell it?)!" You exclaimed as you crashed to the ground with a thud.
"Are you okay?" A voice asked.
Looking up you saw that you were surrounded by people. None of whom you knew. Upon further inspection you realised that the castle was no longer in ruins.
"Y/N?" A familiar voice called. You knew that voice... Allura!
"Princess? Is that you?!" You questioned.
"Yes it is. Oh thank goodness you're alright!" Allura cried.
"For the most part, I've got a splitting headache," you rubbed your head. "Who are these people?"
"Oh. They're the new paladins." Allura replied.
"What happened to the old paladins?!" You asked, worried.
"They are... dead. They died at the hands of Zarkon."
"Zarkon! I'll kill that psycho myself! Wait, what happened here?"
"Well um, it's hard to tell you this but we've been asleep for 10,000 years."
"10,000 years?!" You exclaimed, in shock.
"Calm down. You need to rest. Getting yourself worked up over this won't help." One of the 'paladins' reassured you. You looked up at him. He was beautiful. He had dark hair, shaved at the sides, and one white tuft of hair in the centre front of his hair. He was tall and well built but had one fault. His ears were hideous! He also had one arm replaced with some sort of prosthetic arm.
"O-okay." You responded, staring into his face. 
"Let's get you to your room Y/N," Allura interrupted. "Shiro, escort them to the room opposite my own please."
"Of course princess."

~~~~~~~~~Time skip because the in between is just you sleeping~~~~~~~~~

"So your name is Shiro?" You asked, trying to remember. Shiro nodded. "And you are Lance, Hunk, Pidgeon-"
"My apologies. Pidge and Keith?" One by one, the paladins nodded. You jumped up and punched the air. "Whoop!"
"Welcome to the team Y/N," Shiro said, lightly resting his hand on your shoulder.
"Glad to be here," you replied, smiling back at him.

You were a Preotranyian. An alien species that were almost identical to humans. There were few differences. Your senses were enhanced and your hair changed colour depending on your emotions. (See reference picture below).

You were a prisoner on a Galra battleship

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You were a prisoner on a Galra battleship. You had been for five months now. You were in your cell plotting an escape; you were frustrated because nothing you came up with seemed to end with you leaving the stupid ship. Your hair was a brown colour. You got so angry at the Galra that you threw one of the stones in your cell at the wall, your hair turning a vibrant red. Out of the blue, you heard an explosion go off near where you were situated. Then footsteps. You hid in the corner of your cell poised for an attack. Then you saw someone walk standing in front of your cell.
"Hello? Is anyone there?" The person said.
"Here. Hi," you said, shyly.
"Don't worry, I'm gonna get you out!" The person, who was a he by the way, tried to assure her. You weren't completely convinced. At least not until he managed to break your prison door down. Grabbing your hand, he dragged you down a labyrinth of halls shooting any sentries and other Galra soldiers in your way.  Your hair, which had been a shiny teal, was now matte black because of the intensity of the situation. The strange person spoke.
"I'm Lance by the way," he said, flashing you a winning smile.
"I'm Y/N," You replied. Lance, took you to a huge blue lion. It opened its mouth and you jumped back.
"Relax beautiful, it's our ticket out of here." You stared at the lion's mouth for a few seconds before stepping in. "Now to ditch this place!" Lance exclaimed before grabbing the controls and flying out of a hole in the wall.

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