Favourite Earth Film to Watch Together (Both)

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For all those non-British people who don't know that a film is a movie, now you do! Also, I may change Shiro's later because I could not think of anything!!! If you have suggestions( for that or any other Preferences I post) or requests for certain preferences, don't hesitate to ask!
~ Purplemeta

Shiro: Jumanji (the original with Robin Williams). He never told you why he likes it but he always suggests that you watch it whenever you have movie-nights.
Lance: Legally Blonde (he loves it!) but he'll insist it's Mission Impossible or some other popular action film.
Keith: Lion King but, like Lance, he'll insist it's some other film (probably some barely known, but still amazing, film)
Hunk: Bambi. And he cries. Every. Single. Time.
Pidge: The Matrix (for obvious reasons such as The Matrix is amazing!)
Allura: Cinderella or Snow White. Or any Disney film where the princess can talk to animals. She relates.

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