Chapter I: Human

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I have never once regretted becoming a vampire, it was vampirism or death overall and death didn't suit me. Since the moment I killed myself with vampire blood in my system there was only one concern- my survival.

It is true that during my 500 years I have pushed a lot of people under the bus, but survival is for the fittest and at the end of the day we are nothing more than animals- the strong are at the top of the food-chain and the weak are the meat.

It was that thought I woke up, on the floor of a damned school with a bloody beating heart.

"Have a nice human life."

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" I murmured harshly as I forced myself from the floor. Looking around, searching for my look-alike, I saw nothing more than a deserted high school hall. Just to be sure that I wasn't dreaming, or better yet - having a nightmare, I pinched myself only for it to hurt like hell.

'How in the world did I lose a bitch-slap fight with baby vampire Elena?' I wondered. I mean, I was a 500 year old vampire, she was newly turned and she whipped the floor with me. I heard that she had killed Kol but assumed it was luck, I mean c'mon- how the hell does a baby vampire and her human 'vampire hunter' brother kill an Original on their own? Pure luck, I tell you.

Letting go of my inner ramblings of hate towards my doppelganger, I thought of the problem at hand.

Human. I was human. How in the hell can I be human?

"Ok, breath Katherine. Breath." I murmured to myself. There was no way that I was going to be human, not even for a day. Taking my cell from my back pocket, I dialed a old friend who owned me a favor or two.

"Hello" I heard a female voice I recognized as Amelia say. Not that we were friends, but Amelia was the closest vampire that I trusted not to rip my throat out. She was just like me, she only cared about herself, and killing me would not be good for her since I helped her more than once.

"Hello Amelia, I need a favor." I drawled. "I got the cure for vampirism shoved down my throat and I need you to turn me."

"And why would I do that Kitty-Kat?" She replied teasingly after laughing her ass of on my cruel luck.

"Because dear, me being alive and kicking is more profitable for you- specially if I'm a vampire- and you know it." I responded softly, while smirking knowing I was right.

"Fine." Amelia growled. "I heard you were in Mystic Falls, I'm in the next town over, but I'm sure you already knew that. Text me when you arrive and I'll give you my address." After ordering she ended the call.

"Finally." Amelia said as she watched me walk towards her house. "Hurry up Katherine, I have other -more important- things to do."

I rolled my eyes but complied, entering the small house. "Just hurry it up and turn me." She responded by growling but bit into her wrist and forced me to drink it. "No need to be pushy." I drawled as I cleaned the drops of blood from the corner of my mouth with with my hand. "That's why your still single Amelia."

She growled once again. I seemed to get that reaction out of her a lot. "Just shut up and let me have the pleasure of breaking you pretty little neck."

"Aww, you think I have a pretty neck? Thanks." I said teasingly while grinning smugly. "Now hurry up and kill me."

"My pleasure." Amelia replied before flashing right in front of me.

I was ready to die once more, I really was, but it seemed that my doppelganger had cursed me with infinite bad luck and just before Amelia broke my neck I started coughing up blood- the vampire blood I had just drunk to be more exact.

"No." I murmured desperately. "C'mon, you have got to be kidding me." I continued murmuring, trying to convince myself that I really wasn't human and that my body really wasn't rejecting the blood that could make me invincible again.

Amelia's crazy laugh was what brought me out of my misery, as she started laughing like a crazy person. "Oh this is precious. Katherine Pierce, The Katherine Pierce, human and with no way of returning to her former glory. You have to tell me who did that to you, so that I can send them a gift basket." She rambled, before once more flashing in front of me. "Katherine Pierce, so vulnerable and weak. You'll be dead before the weekend, by the hand of your enemies or Klaus. I'm sure the Hybrid would love to know that you, the doppelganger who ran and turned herself into a vampire is now human and can be considered a nice blood bag for hybrid making."

Knowing where this was going I cautiously took a step back.

"So, you can consider that dying by my hand is a favor that I'm doing to you. A mercy kill, if you will. And on the plus side I can brag that I killed The Katherine Pierce." She finished before trying to rip my throat open.

Unfortunately for Amelia, she forgot something. Something crucial. I'm Katherine Pierce and I trust no one.

As she flashed towards me I took out the stake I had hidden in my jacket and staked her good and proper. As she turned grey, and stared at me with a socked look in her face, I whispered. "I asked you to turn me and not Damon or Stefan because you were the closest vampire to my location with the lesser probability of killing me on sight. Not because I trusted you not kill me, but because I knew that if you decided to kill me you were the easiest to take out."

"Never trust Katherine Pierce."

I sighed.

After staking Amelia, I had stole her car and all of her things just in case that if she had some vampire friends in town they would think she had left. While I normally wouldn't go to such lengths to be incognito, now that I was human it was better if I kept in the shadows. Amelia was a bitch but she was right- if Klaus even dreamed that I was human he would turn my life into living hell.

I sighed once again looking down at the trunk of Amelia's car, now my car. I had taken Amelia's body with me and I had just dug her grave, now I just had to drop her body and bury it. It all seemed simple in my mind, I have been digging graves for the past 500 years, but I forgot that I was pathetically weak as a human and just digging the damn grave left me exhausted.

I sighed for the third time- I was doing that a lot today. Dragging her body and covering it up took me an hour and when I finished I was dead tired.

"Where to now?" I murmured to myself as I started the car.

She ended riding into the night, going west, feeling hungry and tired.

And, for the first time in 500 years, with a beating heart and a strong need to pee.

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