Chapter VI: Prowling Through The Night

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It's been a weeks since Liliya decided to crash in my living room and since then I have barely seen Laura. She's been going crazy, looking for some clues about who and what is haunting her, and we've barely seen her this summer.

I, for once, am not hiding in the house hoping the original hybrid doesn't find me- instead I've been partying all summer like a human teenager. It's been quite the experience- going shopping with Lydia and Liliya, who became fast friends when the topic of shoes came up, and the other normal teenage-thingies.

However, no matter how fun this summer has been, there's no way in hell I'm staying human. Weak, defenseless, pathetic ... and the list goes on and on. Liliya has been searching for something, anything really, that can make me a vampire again but the bitches on the other side haven't been much help.

The little teenage witch has, at least, made my house anti-witch and anti-ghost and that's a major plus. No dead supernatural, who I may or may have not killed, spying on me and no wannabe Sabrina's doing locator spells. *Cough* Bonnie Bennett *Cough*.

I did a few calls and I knew for sure that the Originals were still in New Orleans, and were waging a war against Marcel. Which in pretty words meant - No time to play the 'Let's hunt Katerina' game. The problem is that even with the Originals crossed out of my enemy list for the moment it still was a very long list.

At the moment I was lying on my bedroom floor, painting my nails with a dark red color, with a bottle of vodka by my side. I have to admit that I've become quite the alcoholic since I've become human, it takes away the stress of being pathetically weak and after 500 years of vampire tolerance to alcohol, I still have a tolerance higher than normal.

"Have you heard anything from Alpha-babe?" Liliya said in her normal bubbly tone as she walked into my room like she owned the place and sat next to me. In response I nodded with my head and continued painting my nails, not offering any more first days of living with the always happy Liliya had not been easy, especially since she had no notion of privacy, but after a few weeks I eventually got used to it.

"What did she say?" The little witch pressed, knowing I wouldn't offer more information freely.

"She found something apparently." I replied, rolling my eyes in annoyance. Liliya had Laura's phone number, she could very well call her and ask her herself instead of ruining my concentration while I was painting my nails.

"What did she find?" Liliya whined like a petuliant child annoying her parents to get more candy.

"She found out that the Sheriff found a witness at the time of the fire that killed her family." I reply, just to make sure she doesn't continue to make irritating questions. "Apparently this guy named Harris told a woman how to commit arson and get away with it, and later that day the Hale house burned to the ground."

"Holy shit!" Liliya replied socked. "Who the hell was the woman?"

"The guy did a draw of the necklace she used, but that's pretty much the only lead." I reply, taking a swing at the bottle of vodka before passing it to Lils, who did the same.

"If I see the draw I can probably find out who it belongs to." The dark haired witch informed me, giving me a slight grin.

"I'll give Laura a call, this is good news." I reply, giving her a grin of my own, before grabbing the phone and calling Laura.

Ring, Ring, Ring.

"Hey wolf girl, I have good news." I inform her, with a small smirk on my lips.

"I can't talk right now Kat." I hear her say, with a tired voice and almost out of breath.

"What's going on Laura?" I question, slightly worried. I was still a cold-ass bitch but the alpha girl had a small place in my heart.

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