Chapter XIII: Work in Progress

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"Not happening!" I growled out, trowing the ancient book into the couch. "Magic and I, so not happening. That's why I have you."

"Don't be like that." Liliya said, letting out a groan. "Better a traveler than a human with no way of defending yourself."

"First, travelers are weak compared to witches." I said, enumerating the reason to why this was a sucky plan. "Second, travelers are cursed in case you forgot."

"Bennett." The witch replied, rolling her eyes.

"What?" I asked dumbfounded.

"In case you forgot, the Bennetts are descendants of Qetsiyah who was a traveler." The teen said. "Yet, they're not travelers. Which is weird seeing as being a traveler is a birthright."

"I get your point. They should by all rights be travelers, specially since Qetsiyah was somewhat responsible for the curse in the first place. She created immortality and the other travelers killed her because she was too powerful. The other witch-bitches got scared too since the travelers wanted to achieve great things, not just serving nature and keeping the balance, so they cursed them." I said, thinking about the stories my mother told me back in the day.

"Yeah, the witches would definitely curse the lineage that created the immortality spell since it went again the balance." Liliya said, nodding her head. "So why in the hell are they witches, very powerful witches at that?"

"No fucking idea." I snorted, sitting down in the couch.

"We just have to figure how they did it, and do it to you." She said, sounding very sure of her plan.

"Good luck with that." I replied rolling my eyes, this plan was destined to crash and burn for sure. "Are you going to call the other side and chat with Qetsiyah? She probably knows, but she wants Silas human and that means me dead! The other Bennetts? Bonnie? Yeah that would work ... not!"

"Don't be so pessimist." The witch said. "Meanwhile try a few spells, I'm sure that book has a few. Even if their somewhat weak spells they should be useful. Do you remember any from when you were human?"

"No." I grunted, having a few flashbacks of my douche of a father.

"Papa, I want to learn magic."

"You're weak, women don't have a right to learn the craft."

"I'm sure you can learn now." Liliya said, happily and with a grin on her face.

"Yeah right." I murmured skeptically, glancing towards the book.

School was as boring as ever, playing subway surfers was the only way of surviving through the day. Everybody was still talking about the mountain lion incident, so nothing new there. On the amusing part, Stiles was mad at Scott for letting his dad gotten hurt. So the pup was shooting his friend puppy eyes begging for forgiveness. Oh, so much drama.

At the end of the day Scott and Stiles were besties again, and Scott found an anchor- Allison. He almost wolfed out on Finstock during the last class but Allison gave him is hand and he chilled out. They spend the rest of class having eye sex while Liliya murmured about how cute their love was. I'm pretty sure I wanted to trow up, and by the looks of it Stiles agreed with me seeing as how many times he rolled his eyes.

After school I went home and forced myself to open the damned book. Liliya couldn't see anything written on it, it was chanted to only be seen by travelers apparently. Knowing the hate between travelers and witches it didn't surprise me at all.

The first part of the book was the story of travelers, it was mostly a 'all witches deserve to perish' and 'travelers are the best' crap. It did however have a drawing of Silas, Amara and Qetsiyah and let me tell you that finding out that Stefan was a doppelganger and that some dude named Markos had put some weird prophecy spell us was very awkward.

The spells however were more interesting than I had thought. Of course many of them required either a large group of travelers, or a few blood sacrifices. What I did find interesting was the part dedicated to expression. I knew that travelers had their own type of magic, because their could use spirit magic, but I hadn't thought they could use expression, but then again expression came from sacrifices and talismans so it didn't have anything to do with the spirits.

There were a few spells I could, probably, be able to use. Like the passenger spell, which was the most basic of traveler spells. But then again possession was one of Klaus's tricks, using it would leave me with a bad taste in my mouth.

I could probably use the suffocation spell and the locator spell, but the pain spell and the trapping and sealing spells would most likely be to much for me. Then again I was a doppelganger, shouldn't that come with a few perks?

The book didn't say anything about Qetsiyah's line, but I found it odd that Amara's line was cursed while Qetsiyah's wasn't.

"Meet me at the school, I think I've found the alpha."

Derek was unbelievable. Seriously, who calls their 'friends' and says just that before ending the call. I would have liked to know who the hell the alpha was before going to school in the middle of the night!

Either way, I got there in time to hear Scott's cat-like first attempt at roaring. It sounded like a cat being drowned, really.

His second attempt however was a little bit better. I saw Derek scolding the brats and was walking towards them to say hi, when I saw Derek being impaled by the Alpha. I let out a whimper before covering my mouth and hiding behind a car. I heard the boys scream before running inside the school.

I stayed crouched behind the car, very still but I knew for a fact the the alpha probably knew I was there and staying hidden wouldn't matter. If he didn't smell me because of my weird un-undead scent he would probably hear my heartbeat.

"Fuck this." I muttered to myself, before getting up from behind the car and looking around searching for the alpha. I didn't see it, but I did see a very injured Derek dragging himself towards his car.

"Holy shit Derek, are you ok?" I inquired, as I jogged towards him and gave him a hand getting up.

"Do I look ok to you?" The sour-wolf growled out, letting his blue eyes glow.

"Whatever, let's get out of here." I replied, dragging him towards his silver car. We were about to get there when the alpha appeared out of nowhere and growled at us. Derek stepped up, ready to fight it but he was in no condition to fight an alpha.

So I did the first thing I thought about.

"Lihednat Dolchitni." I murmured once, and then repeated the incantation again with a stronger tone. "Lihednat Dolchitni"

The wolf started to whimper as the magic started to suffocate it, and at the first chance it escaped. The moment I saw Liliya I am going give her a big hug for convincing me to try this magic thing. It was more badass that I first thought.

"I thought the witch was the other one." Derek said, looking at me with an arched brow.

"This is still a work in progress." I told him. "And don't call me a witch..."

"I'm a traveler."

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