Chapter IV: Bowling of the Dead

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It's been a week since I've met Laura, the alpha werewolf, at Starbucks. Since then I've only seen Lydia once. I have no idea how she got a hold of my cell phone number but she gave me a call and we met up for coffee four days ago.

I've been locked in the house since I had coffee with Lydia, and tonight I was planing on going bowling with her and Jackass. I'm 500 years old and I've never bowled before, so I really need to do that. As a vampire, bowling would be no fun since with vampire strength I could hit all the pins with ease but now, as a human, it would be a challenge.

I was just doing my hair when someone knocked on my door. "In a minute!" I said loudly. After curling my hair into perfection, and grabbing my purse I headed to the door and opened it, finding a pretty strawberry blonde girl looking annoyed and a human boy glaring at me.

"I've been outside for five minutes." Jackass growled. "What the hell were you doing?"

"It takes time to have perfection." I drawl, tossing my hair over my shoulder.

"I love your outfit!" Lydia exclaims, taking in my outfit. I was wearing skinny black jeans, a sexy red blouse and a pair of crimson heels, not to mention the expensive leather jacket that was on my hand. "You're curls are perfect, so your lateness is excused."

"Thanks." I reply smirking, knowing I looked sexy as hell.

"Let's do this!" I exclaim, closing the front door and walking towards Jackass's car.

"Yes!" I exclaim, as the bowling ball hits all of the pins. 'I'm awesome at this!" I think, noticing that even though I've loss my vampire strength I still have my accuracy.

"You're pretty good." Jackass says, looking incredibly surprised and somewhat pissed since he just lost to me.

"Don't cry you big baby." I tease grinning, enjoying the angry looks he's sending me. "It's not your fault that I'm way better than you at bowling."

He continues with the glaring but remains quiet, knowing that I've won fair and square. Lydia is sitting on the chair next to us, looking at her phone with a curious look on her face. "What's going on Lydia?" I inquire.

"Danny just sent me a text saying that the cops found a body near here." The red head responded, looking up from her cellphone with a confused expression on her face.

While I had no idea who this 'Danny' person was, the info about the body was interesting. I found it strange that a small town like this had a lot of murders, if it had it was obviously supernatural killings. "Where exactly?" I asked.

"Just down the street, he said he's having diner with his boyfriend in a restaurant near there and can see the police cars." Lydia replied, continuing to check her phone.

"Well..." Jackson said smirking, with a gleeful look on his face. "Let's check it out!"

"Jackson, babe, I don't wan't to look at a dead body." Lydia whined, and pointed at her high heels. "Especially if there's blood, I can't have blood on my new pumps!"

"Oh come on, it will be fun." Jackass pressed until Lydia nodded in submission and affirmation. "What do you say Kat?" He asked, using that annoying nickname for myself.

Suppressing the urge to bash his skull into the floor I nodded, I wanted to find out if it was a normal murder or something supernatural. Knowledge is power. "Sure,let's go Jackass."

"My name is Jackson." He growled.

"What do I care?" I replied, rolling my eyes in boredom as we left.

When we got there, there were police lights all over the place. There were five police cars closing the street, and from hour point of view we could see the body of an old man on the floor. The body had no bite or scratch mark, so I assume it was a normal murder. Most likely an hit and run.

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