Chapter XIV: Cursed Family Blood

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Taking care of a injured werewolf was tough job, let me tell you. I dragged his ass back to my house, planning on having Liliya heal him or something. However, Liliya wasn't at home and she wasn't picking up my calls. Not to mention that the sourwolf ruined my new Persian rug with blood.

"I don't need your help." Derek growled from the floor, where I had dropped him. He had already ruined my rug, he wasn't going to ruin my couch too.

"If you wan't to die, go ahead." I replied in a condescending tone, rolling my eyes. "However, you're not dying in my property. I don't feel like carrying a body and digging a grave tonight."

He glared at me with glowing blue eyes, before groaning in pain and passing out.

"Fantastic." I murmured to myself, sighing.

I left him in the living room and went to search through Liliya things. I mean, she's a witch ... she should have some potions or something?


Nop. Nothing. Zero.

I felt like banging my head against a wall. No witch, no potions, no medicine either. I had a werewolf with a hole through his chest bleeding on my living room floor and no way of healing him. The only healing spell I saw in my new cookbook was an expression one that involved blood.

Having no other options I went to grab the book from my room and re-read the entry.

Expression draws on malicious energy, it's considered an extremely dark for of sorcery. Many don't even considered it as such, for it goes beyond the limitation of ancient and modern sorcery. Many loose themselves to the darkness, only one who accepts it into themselves can guide it. Guide it only, the idea of controlling such a thing is foolishness. Although considered dark, there are no limitations to this craft. It can heal has quick as it can kill. However it draws on the power of souls and blood. The stronger magics required souls, human and innocent souls. Some require only blood, from innocent to sinful or cursed, it matters only the power of the blood. It can also, although rarely, be channeled by talismans of powerful witches. Spirit Magic after the passing of said witch becomes nothing more than uncontrolled and unfocused power, free for the taking from whoever. It should be noted that said dead witch might try to control her power from beyond the veil, a strong will or a connection to said dead witch might be needed for such endeavor.

Well this was certainly interesting. So souls, blood and talisman's from dead witches. Well souls would be hard to do, since I was human and had no way of compelling my self from jail after a killing spree. Talismans were hard, but not impossible. If only Emily's necklace hadn't been destroyed. Blood, cursed blood. Now that was good, very good.

After all, all doppelganger's were cursed by nature to be shadows of the first immortals, Silas and Amara.

Would you look at that, being a doppelganger does have it's perks.

I knelled next to Derek unconscious body, laid my cookbook next to me and grabbed a badass looking athame I had found in Liliya things. Who knew witches really did carry around weird looking knives. Oh, well.

I looked into the open page again and re-read to my self.

Blood letting healing spell- While an user of expression can use it's power to heal themselves, to heal others blood letting is necessary. Since it is a blood letting spell the chosen blood must be taken into account, seeing as it may change the nature of the spell.

Let it be noted that an user can only heal themselves if they are channeling one of the three necessary objects of expression (souls, blood or a talisman).

While pouring the chosen blood into the damaged area, chant the following word repeatedly: "sanitatem mentis et corporis sanguinem meum sanguinem , animam et cor"

The part about changing the nature of the spell had me confused, but doppelganger blood was probably the most cursed blood out there. Even the traveler's most powerful spells involved doppelganger blood, although all of them required the blood of both male and female doppelgangers.

I shook my head at my doubts, and prepared my self. There was no way in hell I was digging a grave tonight, specially because Derek was too sexy do die. While I had no desire for love, having fun under the sheets with hot werewolves was always tempting. Once upon a time I would have believe in love, but after Elijah dumping me for his sorry ass of a brother and recently finding out that my love for Stefan was only the effect of a spell that effected doppelgangers, love was not on my future plans.

I quickly grabbed the athame, and slit my palm. I slightly winced, but after five hundred years a cut was nothing I couldn't bare. I turned my palm down and let the blood drip into Derek's chest. When it wasn't enough to cover the would I made a fist and squeezed letting more blood fall before I started chanting.

"Sanitatem mentis et corporis sanguinem meum sanguinem, animan et cor. Sanitatem mentis et corporis sanguinem meum sanguinem, animan et cor. Sanitatem mentis et corporis sanguinem meum sanguinem, animan et cor." I chanted, while closing my eyes as I felt an unknown power run through my veins.

It was dark, cold and uncontrollable. But more than anything it was powerful. It felt marvelous, like the first taste of blood as a vampire or the first orgasm. There were no words, just raw and crude power. In that moment I understood the words written in the book- "Many loose themselves to the darkness, only one who accepts it into themselves can guide it. Guide it only, the idea of controlling such a thing is foolishness."

I knew trying to control it was foolish, stupid even. Like controlling a wolf during a full moon, or a vampire on a killing spree. So I let it take charge, I let it run free through me and surprisingly I felt it change. While in the beginning it was trying to consume me, now it was asking for directions. It was like a small nudge in my brain, asking me what I needed. It was sentient, there was no other way of explaining it. It was alive, and it wanted to help me.

I could also feel what it wanted in return, It wouldn't just give me it's power for free. Oh no, it wanted freedom. It wanted to be called, it wanted to run free. That was something I understood to well, it was what I also wanted for so long. Freedom.

Freedom from my parents, freedom from Klaus. Freedom from the loneliness, freedom from the pain.

So I accepted, and told it I wanted the werewolf healed. I then felt the power leave my body and go into Derek. I quickly opened my eyes and saw the wound heal in the blink of an eye. The next thing I know Derek opened his eyes and roared, eyes glowing as bright as gold.


Liliya Karkelova wasn't having the greatest day. She left Katherine too her magic reading, since she wouldn't be of much help- the stupid traveler's book was enchanted and she couldn't read it at all. To her it was all blank pages. If she hadn't felt the magic in it she would have thrown it out a window.

So she decided to meet up with Lydia, who in turn wanted to meet up with her boy toy and Allison. Everything was good, they were having fun chatting at Starbucks when the pup (aka teen wolf, aka Scott) sent a weird ass message to Allison, telling her to meet up at the school.

She knew it was a bad idea, I mean who in their great minds went to school in the middle of the night? But she went anyway. And surprise, surprise - Hello homicidal alpha werewolf, how have you been? All good in crazy land? Sorry I can't use my juju on you tonight, see all the normal teens around?

Well, not really. You have a teen wolf, a most-likely future hunter, a most-likely future banshee If the feels I got from Lydia were correct, Stiles has some power in him for sure and Jackson is too much of a Jackass to be considered normal anyway.

On the plus side, they were able to survive the night. Even if Derek took the blame...


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