Chapter XI: Curiosity Killed the Kat

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"Well you're in a good mood." I heard a voice exclaim from behind me. Turning around I saw Lydia, leaning against the locker next to mine and watching me in curiosity.

"Really Lydia, what makes you say that?" I inquire, giving the strawberry blonde haired girl my best grin. Last night was a night to remember. Derek Hale, on a scale from one to ten, was an eleven. I night of wild sex with a werewolf and bye-bye mid life crisis.

"I don't know, maybe because recently you have been either rolling you eyes or glaring at everything..." The teenage girl said, with a smirk on her face. "So, who did you screw?"

"I have no idea what your talking about..." I lie, claiming innocence using my best Elena Gilbert expression. While I hated my doppelganger, it was thanks to her that my acting skills were top notch.

"Fine don't tell me, but you joining me and Jackson tonight." The Queen Bee informs me, glaring slightly at me.

"Well aren't you kinky." I tease, giggling softly. "I didn't know you had it in you Lyd."

"If we didn't have too share my boyfriend I wouldn't mind you joining." She chuckles, in good humor. "But no, tonight it's movie night, and you're coming."

"I don't want to intrude, it's Friday night... date night." I try to explain. I really don't want to spend the night hearing them swap saliva while a depressing movie is playing. With my luck it would be some Nicholas Sparks movie, or worse- Titanic.

"Liliya isn't back yet, and we normally have our date nights on Saturdays so... no more excuses, you're coming and that's final." Lydia said in a tone that left no space to excuses, before turning around and leaving for her class.

"Fine!" I mumbled, as I grabbed my books and headed towards my next class.

I just knew I was going to regret this.

I was crammed in the back of Jackson's Porsche, practically suffocating back here, while Lydia and Jackass bickered about the movie we were going to watch. Jackson wanted Hoosiers, Lydia wanted The Notebook and I wanted 17 again. Come on, how can you say no to Zac Efron.

"Look, Hoosiers is not only the best basketball movie ever." Jackson argued. "But it's the best sports movie ever made."

"No." Lydia tells him.

"It's got Gene Hackman and Dennis-" Jackson starts.

"No." The strawberry blonde says again, causing me to groan slightly. We were getting nowhere, I was going to die in the back seat of a Porsche suffocated. I always thought my final death would be dramatic and beautiful, like Marilyn Monroe's death.

"Lydia, Zac Efron without his shirt on." I try convincing her. "How can you say no to Zac Efron's abs?"

"No." She tells me.

"How can you turn down Zac Efron?" I ask her, slightly pouting. The only reply I get is a glare through the rearview mirror.

"Lydia I swear to God you're going to like it." Jackson argued again. "Hell, even Kat will like it."

"It's imaginable." I state. Watching a sports movie was more interesting than The Notebook, that's for sure.

"No." Lydia tells him one again, pursuing her lips.

"I'm not watching The Notebook again." Jackass says, raising his voice.

Lydia turns her head to look at us and glares. Jackson let's out a heavy sigh and get's out of the car. Noticing this was the time to get some much needed air, I quickly get out too. Jackson was already inside the video rental shop, and I decided to follow. It was either that or watching Lydia taking selfies.

When I opened the door and stepped inside, Jackass turned around and saw it was me. "What are you doing here Kat?"

"I needed air, your car sucks." I reply glaring at him slightly, before asking. "Where's that damned movie anyway?"

"How the hell should I know?" He inquires, glaring back at me, before asking loudly. "Can anyone help me find The Notebook?"

I chill runs down my spine as no one answers. Dread settles in my bones, and every instinct I have tells me to run. I look around quickly, but there's no traces of anyone around other than Jackson.

"Hello?" I call out. No answer. I cautiously make my way to Jackson's side. If there's a hungry vampire or a homicidal alpha around, I'm sure they'll go for the strong male before trying to munch on the innocent human girl. If not, I'll just push Jackson in their direction and run like I have a hellhound on my trail.

"Is anybody working here?" Jackson calls. All of a sudden I get the feeling that someone's watching us, or better, hunting us.

"Jackson, I have a bad feeling. We should just go." I tell him, not felling like being dead at the end of the night. Jackson, like the jackass he is, ignores me and continues looking around for someone. I follow him quietly, knowing this was a terrible idea.

After noticing that there's nobody in the shop other than the two of us, Jackson mutters. "You have got to be kidding me!"

As we got closer to the center of the shop, I see two feet sticking out from behind a row of movies.

"Jackson." I mutter, quietly. When he turns to look at me I nod towards the body. I wasn't going to lie to myself, it was a body. This place was perfect for a vampire to have a late night snack, it's always open and nobody rents videos anymore since you can watch anything online.

Jackson gulps nervously, and we approach the dead body. We slowly turn around to see a man on the ground, in a puddle of his own blood. His throat was slashed, and my theory of vampire snack went out of the window. I vampire wouldn't waste a drop of blood. This was either the crazy alpha or a human kill.

Jackson jumps back at the sight of the dead body and stupidly hits a ladder, causing it to rip the light out. The lights begin to flicker and the store begins to glow a eerie red. Hearing a growl from behind us, we turn to see a pair of glowing red eyes, stalking towards us.

Jackson quickly pulls me over to the side, against one of the rows of films. He crouches down, and pulls me down with him. We listen to the alpha as it begins to approach us again, and my hands shake. I knew I should have left the minute it thought something was wrong, as they say, curiosity killed the cat.

We glance at the aisle to see nothing, but then I hear the alpha run, causing a few movies to hit my head. A loud bang echoes through the store, than another and another. Realizing that it was the sound of the movies shelves falling, Jackson grabs me and pushes me out the way. Jackson, however, wasn't quick enough to get out and a shelf fell on top of his legs.

"Jackson!" I cry out, trying to help him out.

"Kat, go!" Jackson says loudly, as we notice the alpha walking towards us.

I quickly got to my feet, and slowly started backing against the emergency door. I didn't know if it would get the kinks of hunting me down like prey, so to play it safe I moved slowly. The alpha moved towards Jackson and touched the back of his neck with it's claws.

After that, it turned towards me and looked at me with it's blood red eyes. It was like that night in the woods all over again, only this time I didn't have Liliya with me to use her juju on it. However, instead of coming towards me like before, the alpha turned around and ran out of the video rental shop through the window, shattering the glass.

A scream rippled through the night.

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