Chapter III: Wolf-Girl

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As I walked towards my car I let a grin appear in my lips. Phase one, complete. It's was pretty easy to lie about my supposed parents, especially since the secretary didn't really care. Having that done I decided to go get some coffee in the nearest Starbucks.

I got in, asked for my coffee and sat at the nearest table. I looked around, and I rolled my eyes in distaste. The place was packed with humans, most of them teenagers with their eyes locked onto a computer screen or their cell phones. I noticed a girl that was sitting in the table next to mine, she had long brown hair and green eyes. I normally wouldn't have noticed her but something about her screamed 'special'. She, unlike all the others in the coffee shop, was looking in silence at a piece of paper with a picture of a dead deer with a spiral symbol carved on its stomach. Just as I was about to take my eyes of eyes she looked up and our eyes met.

"What are you looking at?" The green eyed girl asked, glaring slightly at me.

"At you, the only other person in this place that isn't looking at a device." I drawl, rolling my eyes in annoyance.

She looks shocked at my answer, and I see her take a sniff at the air before quickly grabbing her coffee and drawing and sitting next to me. "What are you?" She growls quietly, making sure only I could hear her.

"That depends. What are you?" I reply in the same tone. I knew of a fact that she wasn't neither a witch or a vampire, seeing as she sniffed my out and had no daylight jewelry. That meant she had to be a werewolf, but I wanted to make sure. I didn't have many encounters during the years with werewolves, which meant I didn't have many out for my head.

"You already know what I am." The girl responded. "I, however, have no idea what you are. You smell like ... I can't even describe it."

"Let's start with- I'm Katherine Pierce and you are?" I inquired, as I took a sip of my coffee.

"Laura Hale." The girl, Laura, replied as she let her eyes shine a bright red colour. I felt my eyes widen as I took in the red in her eyes, this was my first time meeting a werewolf of one of the 'wolf packs', and an alpha at that.

"This is surprising." I murmured under my breath. "This is my first time meeting a pack wolf, normally I deal with the cursed ones."

"Cursed ones? Do you mean bitten wolves?" Laura asked with a curious tone in her voice, while looking at me with an arched brow.

"No sweetheart." I replied smirking, I always loved being the one with the power and knowledge is power. "Cursed werewolf are born with the wolf gene but only turn when they kill someone, and instead of being aggressive during the full moon they actually turn into wolf."

"Shapeshifters?" Laura was looking more shocked by the minute. "My mother could shift into a wolf, but it's a rare ability."

"Did your mother feel any pain when shifting?" I asked curious, having no idea pack wolves could shift completely. When Laura shacked her head in negative, I continued. "That's why their called cursed, during the transformation they feel each and every one of their bones breaking. I heard the pain is excruciating. They normally also have packs but they don't get stronger if their together, it's more for moral support than anything."

"I see, now that you are sure of what I am how about telling me what you are Katherine?" Laura asked, giving me a fake smile as she glared daggers at me.

"And why should I tell you that?" I snarl at the wolf-girl.

"Because if not I'm going to rip you head from your shoulders, with my teeth." She answered sweetly. That stopped me in my tracks, I really didn't feel like losing my pretty head. While werewolves weren't in the most dangerous of the supernaturals, I was now human and a wolf could easily kill me now.

"Fine." I reply, letting out a tired sigh. "I was a vampire for 500 years until my bitch of a doppelganger shoved the cure for vampirism down my throat making me a pathetic human."

"Huh?" Laura said dumbly, before asking in confusion. "You're a 500 year old ex-vampire?"

"Yes." I confirm, rolling my eyes in frustration.

"That explains your scent." The green eyes girl said. "You smell like death but with a touch of life and roses."

"That's nice to know." I say, sarcastically. "How many of you are here? You're the alpha right?"

She ignored my comment and replied. "At the moment it's just me. My family used to live here but they died during a fire a few years back. Now it's just me, my brother and my comatose uncle. Yes I'm the alpha, but I have no pack."

"That's good to know, I don't like the idea of werewolves around sniffing my past undead state." I say, nodding in understating. "So do you live here? Is your brother coming back?"

"I don't live here, my brother and I both left after the fire. Normally we just came back to check on my uncle but somebody sent me this." She said, showing me the picture of the deer with a spiral symbol on it. "You're old right? Have you ever seen this?"

"Let's not mention my age, I don't look it." I reply before taking in the photo. I knew of a fact that the spiral meant revenge among the wolf packs and I had a feeling the dead dear was a treath. "The spiral it's pretty obvious at it means- revenge. The deer, well... I have a feeling It's a treath or a warning. Why don't you ask a witch?"

"Witches don't like us, we usually have a druid helping each pack but..." Laura replies letting out a tired sigh, before getting up and writing her phone number in a piece of paper. "Look, I have to go but here's my number, call me if you see anything weird okay?"

"Will do." I reply. "It was nice meeting you Laura, I'll give you a ring so you can save my number. Can you warn me if there's other supernaturals around?" I ask, hopping she would give me the heads up.

"Sure, bye Katherine." She said, before leaving.

"Bye wolf-girl." I mumble under my breath.

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