18- Flight**

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"Bye auntie." I say hugging her

I was going back home today and Emmett had come to pick me up alone.

I got in the car after waving farewell to my extended family once more.

"So why didn't Rosalie come?" I ask once we've hit the main road

"She didn't want to tell me. I have a surprise for you when we get home by the way." He says

"What is it?" I ask

"I'm not telling you, but you're gonna love it." He tells me looking at me for a second

"Is it food?" I ask hopefully




"I don't know another xbox?"

"No. You'll figure it out soon though." He chides

We have small talk throughout the whole ride until we finally get home. We park the jeep in the garage and head inside where the rest of the family is sitting or standing in the upstairs living room. Everyone is sort of down and unhappy when we walk in. Mom is on the couch with her head burrowed in her hands while dad is rubbing her back but staring off into the distance. For once Edward is here and is standing next to Rosalie who is sitting on the couch and is playing with her hands. Alice is sitting on Jasper's lap and is looking distant while Jasper is unconsciously twiddling his thumbs together.

"What's wrong?" I ask putting my bag down

Mom gets up and in a flash is next to me hugging me tightly. I don't question or complain but instead I just comfort her.

"Honey come sit, we have a problem." Mom motions to the couch cushion next to the one she was last sitting on

I sit down next to mom and look at dad who begins talking, "Olivia honey, the Volturi have found out about you. They were looking through Esme's mind when suddenly they saw you in there. They didn't see Bree or anything just you. They want to kill you. They think you form a threat towards us and that one day you'll be able to end us all. They gave us only a couple days with you until they want to meet again."

"Carlisle we can't just let them take her." Rosalie butts in

"Of course not! We will try to talk them-" dad gets cut off

"The Volturi don't want to talk. They want to fight, they want fire and they want death. They won't stop to talk about anything with their minds set on kill. We have to stop them some other way." Edward says

"No but if maybe we could some-" Emmett cuts dad off mid sentence, "We'll fight."

"No. What I was going to say is that maybe if we gather people they'll hesitate and listen. We have to make them stop for at least enough time for them to think." Dad interjects

"Who would we call?" mom asks

"Our friends of course." Dad puts an arm around mom while saying this

"We'll have to get going then. I'll take Olivia." Rosalie says

"Sure. Rosalie and Emmett will take Olivia to our friends in Egypt. Edward to the Denalis, Alice and Jasper to Garret and we will go and find someone special." Dad orders

"I guess right now is the perfect time for us to show you the surprise then." Emmett says walking to the garage.

We all stand alongside a car which I didn't notice before in between all of our other great cars. It was a sleek black 2014 Chevy Malibu and looked perfect.

"Wait how'd you get this? It doesn't come out until another three years." I question running my finger alongside the sleek roof.

"I know people..." Emmett trails off in the end

"Well whatever THANK YOU!" I hug everyone and kiss Emmet's cheek

"Well let's go then. Emmett tells me to drive and he gets into the passenger seat while Rosalie takes her own car behind us

I've gone to see our friends over in different countries a couple over 5 times so I know my way over to the closest airport.

"Ok I packed you some stuff for your human needs so anytime you need to stop for a potty break, do so." Emmett laughs

"Emmett!" I giggle "Now's not the time to joke around."

"Ok fine. Let's listen to music." He takes my phone and connects it to the GPS radio thing.

We sing along to my music all the way to the large airport. Emmett takes my bag along side his. Rosalie takes her own and we head into luggage check and finally into our jet.

"Hello there, I'll take your bags." The pilot says saluting Emmett

Emmett hands over the bags and says a thank you before climbing into the jet after me. I go into the bunk room and take the top left bunk. I drop my purse on the mattress and go back into the small living room. I sit on the leather seat and lean my head on Emmett's shoulder. Rosalie is siting in front of us with her arms crossed aver her crossed legs.

"Rose whats wrong?" I ask

"It's nothing, I'll get over it." she says obviously annoyed

I decide to just let her be as the pilot walks in and starts talking, "We will be departing in about 5 minutes. I'll go get flight attendant Cano to attend you of course."

After some time a lady in her late-twenties with light brown hair pulled up into a tight bun walked in the room. Her slim figure looked amazing in the black pencil skirt she was using.

"Hello, you must be the Cullen's. I'm Caroline Cano, you're flight attendant for this trip. If you need anything don't be afraid to push the red button located by each door. Enjoy your flight." She cheerily smiles heading into the room the pilot walked into only minutes before

"Thank you!" Emmett and I say before the door slides shut

"Well she seemed cheery" I smile putting my phone on airplane mode

Emmett smiles in response and turns on the tv mounted on the "wall". The first thing that comes up is a girl on top of another girl...

I burst out laughing when I realize it was the pilot watching it. Emmett drops the remote and almost rolls around on the floor in laughter. Rosalie has annoyed expression on her face (as always) as she changes the channel quickly.

We start taming our loud laughter as the pilot rushes in with the flight attendant.

"Is everything ok in here? What's wrong?" he says looking around cautiously

When he sees the remote in Rosalie's hand he turns red and smiles sheepishly

Emmett and I stifle our laughter and Rosalie snaps at him, "Don't let it happen again."

"Yes mam, sorry mam." he blushes curtly and stiffly walking back into his little room with the flight attendant

Rosalie crosses her legs and watches us giggle and laugh silently with a sour expression

"Oh come on Rose, lighten up. You scared the poor guy." Emmett goes in to wrap his arm around her


So here's chapter 18. Sorry but updates are going to be slower until further notice. I'm having writers block and I seriously don't know what else to write during this time.




Love twenty one pilots😍❤️❤️

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