39- No Place I'd Rather Be**

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~4 weeks later~

I plop down on the couch and sigh, it's been the most uneventful day today. Seth hasn't came over, Alice and Jasper took Elena out somewhere, mom and dad went on another anniversary honeymoon; out in the island dad got her, Emmett and Rose went to "hang out" at a hotel, and Edward was out for lunch with Bella.

Maybe I could go to Emily's. Ohh maybe I could go shopping for Elena!

Ideas raced through my head as I contemplated what to do.

I ended up choosing to call Seth instead of waiting for him.

I go upstairs and sit on the top of the staircase with my phone in hand. I press on Seth's contact and wait for it to ring.

-What's wrong?
I'm at home, bored with nothing to do.
-I'll be over in a few.
Okay good. See you here

I hang up and lay back waiting for the doorbell to sound.

The doorbell didn't ring till 10 minutes later when I changed into some white and blue (different shades) triangle sweat like leggings, a blue sweater with different colors and a black tree in the middle, a white tight fitted crop tee, and a pair of white high tops. I added on some light makeup and a pair of earrings before pulling my hair up into a neat bun and grabbing my white Valentino Garabandi purse.

I race down the stairs and open the door for Seth

"Well you look beautiful as always." He compliments

"Thanks, I wasn't sure if I should've worn sneakers or boots." I bring up looking down at the white sneakers on my feet

"Well it looks great either way." He says as we walk to the kitchen

I open the freezer and pull out a carton of vanilla ice cream. I still somehow survive on both blood and human food unlike the rest of the Cullen's who only drink blood. I grab two spoons from the drawer and close it with my hip as I dance my way over to the island where Seth was waiting patiently with his carton of chocolate ice cream.

I sit on the stool next to him and hand him the spoon before prying open the lid and eating. The cold and creamy goodness in my mouth melted slowly, letting me savor the rich flavor.

"Do you think we should stop soon?" Seth asks

"Let me finish this real quick." I say taking the last spoonful and closing the lid on the carton

I hand it to Seth to put in the freezer and take the spoons to put in the dish washer

"You know, sometimes I think you like ice cream more than me." Seth says walking out the kitchen

I laugh and follow him, "that's because it's true."

"Really?" He gasps falsely

"No, you know that's impossible!" I jump on his back and yank on his short hair

"Olivia, let's go take a walk in the woods." Seth says walking towards the door

"That didn't sound creepy at all." I say jumping off Seth's back and grabbing my purse from the sofa

I take my phone and keys out then put the bag on the tv stand

"Of course it didn't." He winks opening the door for me

I roll my eyes playfully and walk out towards the woods

"Should we stay on trail or wander out?" I ask myself out loud "who am I kidding. C'mon Seth. Let's go wander off."

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