I wish p. 2

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(So I am doing a part two bc y not. Also I feel like this was one of my better one shots so here we go!)

(Liza's POV)

He pulled me closer.
"Your. Not. Getting. Better?" He started to choke on his words. A tear fell down his cheek. No. I wasn't going to do this to him.

"Please don't cry. This is why I can't be with you though." My eyes wet now. He looked down at me.

"I should probably leave." He said. "I need to process this."
"What?" I asked him.
"That my best friend, the person I love with my heart is not going to ever get better." He started to leave. But my impulse didn't get the better of me.

"David. Wait." He turned to me. "I like you too." And I ran up and hugged him. David picked me up and took me to my couch, sitting me down.

"Well. For the time we have left together, do you want to date me?"
"I thought you'd never ask." And I kissed him. Finally. After months of hiding my feelings I can tell him how I really feel. I love him. 

(3 months later)

I haven't gotten better. I've gotten worse.

I can die any day now.

But I don't want to.

I want to love and be loved by him.

My one and only.

My special one.

We spend everyday together like it will be our lasts. I secretly wrote a letter to him for when I die.


I love you. With all my heart. I never did tell you what I had. David, I had a brain tumor. My parents didn't want anyone to know. They didn't want to do anything. I'm sorry I never told you. But I didn't want to make you go through the pain you are probably experiencing right now. David, never forget that I love you. One day I hope you will see me up here and we can get married in Heaven together. When I didn't have this I wanted to be together so bad. I wanted to marry you. But then this happened. And I'll never forgive my parents for not doing anything about my tumor. I love you David. I wish I could spend the rest of my life with you.
Love you. Forever and always

I hated writing the letter. I enclosed a picture of the two of us. And the thing I picked up from our first date. A pile of rocks from outside of a movie theater.
I put down the letter, and then David walked in.

I'm sorry I had to end it like that but I loved this story so I had to keep writing it. ❤️ u guys!

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