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"Don't you dare eat another bite Liza." Her boyfriend hit her. "You fat pig. Go sleep on the couch." She went to the couch but he stopped her. "Wait. Baby, come back and kneel. Now." He commanded and she did. She couldn't feel anything anymore. Nothing what so ever. She knelt and closed her eyes, as the sound of a zipper being pulled down filling her ears. She felt his tip under her chin, pulling it up and commanding her.
She did.
She felt him, in and out of her.
She felt his orgazams go down her throat.
He pulled out and flipped her over.
This was normal. It shouldn't be.
But it was.
She felt him rip off her pants, taking her underwear with them. She gave up screaming for help weeks ago, because she knew no one would come.
She felt him thrust into her, the sound of skin slapping together annoyed her. His nails went into her sides and one gripped her breast. Tears silently fell down her cheeks as he repeated these movements.
"Agh fuck." He screamed as he was pushed to his edge, his juices flowing inside her. He pulled out and slid down next to her.
He later fell asleep

She couldn't sleep, but that wasn't new.

He didn't use a condom.


(2 months later)
Liza walked into school, her ribs showing. It had been months since she had something to eat, and she wasn't upset about it.


She tried to make it look normal.
"Liza you ok?" David says to her.
He. Noticed.
"Yeah I'm fine." She says, taking a bite.
Don't eat anymore.
You're too fat.
"Why don't you come by my house later?" He asks. Liza smiles for the first time in forever. She knows it's wrong.
"I'd love too."

(Davids house)
They walk in and David asks her what she wants to eat.
"Nothing. I had a big lunch."
"No. You didn't. I saw you. You are nothing." Crap. She thought.
"Well. I'm just not really hungry."
"Liza. Um I've been meaning to ask you. Well, tell you really, I like you." He leans in to kiss her, and she leans in to kiss him. They melt into it and Liza realizes this is love. Not what she is in right now.
Just then a car pulls up into Davids driveway. And someone runs out. Liza gasps and backs up behind David. David wraps his arm around her, not knowing what's going on until a man bursts down the door.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE LIZA?" He screams at her. Launching himself at her.
"I'm sorry." She cries at him. "I'm sorry Nathan."
"That's it. No food for 2 weeks." Nathan says loud enough for David to hear.
"No. You can't do that!" David yells to the guy, punching him hard. 
"Yes I can and I have." Nathan replies to David. "I've done much worse things to little pretty girl here." Nathan smirks. "Shirt. Now." He says extending his hand, Liza removes her shirt, revealing her ribs, scars, nail prints, bruises and dry blood. Nathan laughs, Liza cries, David stands, shocked. He runs over to Liza but Nathan stops him.
"She's coming with me." He coldly says, grabbing Liza's hand and pulling her out the door. The last thing david saw of the two, was Liza being forced into a car and Nathan smirking the whole time.

Should I do a part 2?!
Go follow my fanpage-
@ coffeekoshy
I do not support eating disorders. I've been thinking about doing an anorexic one shot for about a month and got the courage to do it.
- KK

Diza One-Shots // FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now