Chapter 63

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Chapter 63

Kenley: *an hour later* I was still riding around but Luke had stopped a while ago. I just hit a bump then Luke blew the whistle. I drove over to where he was and jumped off. I walked over to him and both of us were covered in mud. I gave him a huge hug and and a kiss. I tried to lean out but Luke wouldn't let go. I gently stood on his foot then leaned out. "Lets go hose off baby." "Kay." We walked over to the water spout and Luke turned on the water. I spread myself out so that Luke could hose me down. Once I was done he spread out. I sprayed the hose all over him. Then when we were both hosed off we walked up to his parents' house. We knocked on the door and LeClaire came out and told us to sit on the porch while she grabbed towels. Me and Luke sat on the steps and held hands, then I laid my head on his shoulder. LeClaire came back out and gave us towels then sat down in a lawn chair. "Y'all are so cute together." "Awe thanks Mrs. Bryan." "Call me mama or LeClaire or whatever. But Mrs. Bryan is too proper." "Okay mama." She patted Luke's shoulder then went to get snacks. "Luke, I feel like a teenager around you." "I get that feeling too." "Like I feel like this is the life I should've had. Not that gloomy stuff. And I feel like I'm reliving high school but this time it's with you. I mean who else would be sitting on steps at their mom's house after going mudding and not to mention, love in a barn. I love this Luke." "I love it too. Now shut up so I can kiss you." He put his hands on either side of my neck and gently gave me a passionate kiss. Then he leaned out, smiled, licked his lips, then kissed me with more passion. He started playing with his tongue in my mouth but then LeClaire came back with a plate full of snacks. She laid them down in between us then Luke got out of the kiss and we both blushed. LeClaire got us glasses of lemonade then kissed Luke on the head and left. I picked up an apple slice and took a bite. "That was embarrassing." I nodded my head and grabbed another apple. "Hey, I want a bite." I fed it to Luke then he fed me one. "I love you Thomas Luther." "Love you too Kenley Alexis."


Cutest couple award goes to Kenley and Luke...😍👌

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