Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Luke: Kenley wanted popcorn so she popped us some of that microwave stuff. We both curled up on the couch and she started the movie. "Luke I may cry." "Okay I might too." "Wow Luke Bryan, a softy? Shocker!" "Hey now. I got a personality too." "Oh trust me baby, I know that." *a while later* "Luke I gotta go to work." "Really?" "Yeah. But will you drop me off?" "Is that a question?" "Okay I'm gonna go change." She ran upstairs and I stayed on the couch. Hey, I was getting into this movie. She came back down about ten minutes later. She came and sat on my lap facing me. "Now Luke if you ever go to Hooters you have permission to look at one girls boobs. Mine. I don't want you checking out anyone else's body. You have to remember that you have a girlfriend. Okay?" "Okay. But do I have to go to Hooters to do this?" I leaned down and kissed her chest. "Nope. Never do that at Hooters." "Okay. Is it okay if the boys come over here?" "Yeah. There's some old board games and toys in the closet at the end of the hall." "Okay." "Thanks baby." "For what?" "Accepting who I am and loving me." "Anytime. Haha. Now I don't want you to be late for work." "Okay." We hopped in the truck and I drove her to the restaurant. When we got there she leaned over and gave me a kiss. "I love you Luke." "Love you too. Now no booty slaps okay?" "Okay." She hopped out of my truck and walked to the door.

Kenley: It's gonna be a really long day without Luke or Tommy here. I checked the schedule and it said that I'm waitressing. I like it but I like being behind the bar better. Don't ask me why but I do. My first customer was a group of high school boys. "Hey what can I get y'all to drink?" "Coke" "Root beer" "Crush" "Cherry coke" "Okay I'll be back with your drinks." To tell you the truth I like helping the younger people better. They're more fun. The old farts come just to see some pretty girls. I grabbed the drinks and came over to the table. I gave them their drinks then I dropped a straw, so I picked it up. "Are you ready to order?" "Yeah." They all ordered burgers then some different sides. "Is that everything?" "Um well I lost a bet and I was suppose to ask a girl if their boobs are real, so are yours?" "Um I think so." A different boys butted in, "They don't look like it." "Now mister it's not very polite to stare at someone's body part." "I know but they can't be real." "Are you sure? Ya wanna test em?" "Yes!" "Okay come here." I wrapped him in a hug and squeezed him really tight. "Are they real?" "Yep." "That's it? No lecture?" "Nope." "Okay I'll put your order in." I walked off and thought to myself was that a bad idea? It's not. It was just a hug. I didn't have any other customers so I walked back over to their table and started talking to them. "So do any of you have girlfriends?" Two of them shook their heads but the one boy who I gave the hug to just sat there and rolled his eyes. "What are their names?" "Amy." "Allison." "Cool what grade are you guys in?" "We're all sophomores." "So how old are you?" "15" "16" "15" "16. How old are you?" "Well how old do you think I am?" "23" "27" "28" "26" "Aww you guys are nice! I'm actually 32. So who said they didn't have girlfriends?" The two guys raised their hands. "Okay I have a surprise for you." I went to the bar and grabbed two tshirts for the kids and wrote my name on the name tag. "Okay these are for you." They unrolled them and the tshirts said, 'I'm dating a Hooters girl.' Then in the corner there was a name tag where I put my name. "Okay how these work, is every time you come in here with those tshirts and I'm here you have to go to the register and ask the lady for me, Kenley. Then I will come and give you a kiss on the cheek in bright red lipstick. Sound good?" They both nodded their heads. I went over and told one of the other girls working to take pictures on my phone. I kissed both of the boys on the cheek and then gave them their food. "Enjoy."


Btw... Hooters doesn't do that haha.

So do you think Luke will be mad about Kenley kissing those boys?

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