Chapter 85

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Chapter 85

Luke: We pulled away from the hotel and the driver drove to the country club. "Luke what are we doing here?" "This would be dinner Miss Davis." He hopped out first then helped me and held my hand walking in. "Welcome to Sunny Oaks Country Club. Do you have reservations?" "Bryan?" "Oh yes. And might I add, you're table looks amazing." The waitress lead us outside to this candle lit table. There were two chairs surrounding them was a pavilion with an open top so you could see the stars. And on the beams there were Christmas tree lights weaved in with the drapery. "Luke this is beautiful." "I knew you'd like it. I came out here earlier and made sure everything looked right. And since you most likely thought our proposal was dull, I thought I'd redo it so that It'd be better..." "No Luke, it was perfect." "Well, I got you a better ring that you deserve. You can keep that one because its one of the stones in this one..." I slid the ring off of her finger then clipped them together. She had tears forming in her eyes with the biggest smile across her face. I got down on one knee and grabbed both of her hands. "From the day I went on that stupid raft waterslide with you, I knew that we were gonna get married. Kenley Alexis Davis I love you, I love the way that your toes curl up when you kiss me, I love when you call me Luther, because honestly it turns me on. So I don't care if we're both in our seventies and I'm still performing, and you come to every show, I will always, and I mean always love you. Now Kenley, will you marry me?" She had a few tears slowly rolling down her cheek and I was about ready to let loose myself. "Yes Luke! A million times yes! Gawd I thought that you were stalling for a bit there..." I got on both knees and kissed her with as much passion as I could possibly have in me. She kissed back and bit my lip. We pulled out and I stood up and sat in my chair. "The ring is beautiful Luke. Everything is." I wrapped my foot around hers and the waitress brought us a bottle of wine and glasses. She poured us each a glass. "I toast to an endless love." I nodded my head then we tapped glasses. We both took a sip then she whispered. "Isn't this expensive Luke?" "Yep." "I'm not taking another sip then." "It's too good to go to waste..." "True... And I mean we did buy the whole bottle so it's gotta go somewhere..." I nodded my head then the waitress came. "We will both have the Chef's special." "Okay. I will be right back with an appetizer." "Do you even know what it is?" "Nope." She laughed then the waitress came back with a miniature version of spaghetti. She laid out mini plates then dished it out for us. "Thank you." "You're welcome." She walked off and I looked at Kenley. "How are we suppose to eat this?" "No idea." I grabbed my fork then scooped it on. "This works." She tried it then we both ate it that way. "Kenley if I forgot to mention, you are one sexy woman tonight." "Why thank you. But if you used your manners, you wouldn't have said that at the dinner table. But you're very sexy too Luther." She smirked then fixed the top of her dress. The waitress came back and took our appetizer plates and then shortly after brought our main dish. It was Chicken Parmesan. Kenley cut into it then took a bite. "This is so amazing." I took a bite then nodded. "Definitely." We talked off and on and then we started hearing music in the background. Then all of a sudden First Love Song came on. "Oh My Gawd! This is my song! Come on we have to dance!" She got up and pulled me over to the open part of the patio. "Kenley I can't dance..." "Well you better figure it out in three days. Here I'll show you." She started slowly moving around and then I got the hang of it and she laid her head on my shoulder. "Luke, you're the best man I've ever known. You're exactly like my daddy." She started crying and I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her nose. "You're the most original woman that I've ever met. And the best part about you is you don't even care what other people think. You just do your own thing. But you are the bravest, most generous, most attractive woman ever." She leaned forward and kissed me. She sweetly licked her lips then I helped her sit down. We finished our meal then I paid the check and left a thirty dollar tip. We got into the limo and Kenley was about to fall asleep. I kept kissing her so she'd stay up a bit later... We got back to the hotel and I carefully opened the door. All the candles were lit and the rose petals were scattered everywhere. The bouquet of roses was on the night stand and the lights were dim in the bathroom. I let Kenley go in first and she slid off her shoes. I took mine off and laid them next to hers. I took my tux jacket off and hung it up in the closet. She laid her clutch down in the chair then came over to me. "Thank you Luke. This is so breath taking." I lead her to the bathroom and there was a hot bath drawn with rose petals floating in it. I took my shirt off and walked back put to the main room and laid it on the couch. I slid off everything else and helped Kenley get her dress off then she did the rest. I carefully got in and it felt amazing. Kenley got in on the other side and she tilted her head back. It was a triangular bathtub so our feet were touching and I reached over and grabbed her hand. "Do you know what would be really romantic?" "Huh?" "Us in a bath, with only one candle as our light..." I jumped up and sorta shook off then grabbed the first candle I saw and shut the lights off. I put the candle by our feet then got in a ton closer to Kenley.


What else does Luke have in store?😏

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