Chapter 96

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Chapter 96

Kenley: *the next day* I woke up at about 10:30 and went to the bathroom then got dressed. Luke was still asleep so I woke him up and he had the sexiest morning voice. "Morning baby girl." "Morning. What are the plans for today?" "Let's go swimming with the dolphins." "Really?" "What? You don't want to?" "No. That's not it... I've always wanted to and I can't believe that we are..." "Honestly?" "Yes. Honestly I want to go." "Okay..." We both changed then walked over to this dock. The water was so clear it was crazy. I could see everything. Luke made me go first and the dolphin made a lap then returned back to the dock. Luke held on then it did the same but on their way back it dove under the water so Luke had been dunked by a dolphin. We went back to the hut and showered then sat out on the deck and talked and had a few drinks until supper time came around. "So what are we gonna eat?" "Pizza bagels?" Luke said with a smirk. "Nah. Just kidding, I'll order us room service." He kissed my cheek then got up and grabbed the hut's phone. He called and ordered the Chef's special for the both of us. I grabbed his hands and leaned forward to kiss him when he scooted away. "Lukey? What's wrong?" "Nothing." "I highly doubt that. You just rejected a kiss... What's up?" "So ya know how we were gonna go adopt Nellie?" "Yeah...?" "Well, someone offered to take her home. And baby, I tried everything I could to stop them from letting her go but they wouldn't budge. The couple that's adopting her live in New York so they're closer. That's the only reason I can think of to let us lose Nellie." I started to cry and Luke pulled me into his chest. "Luke, she's the only reason I still wanted to have kids..." He kissed my forehead and held me tighter. "We are gonna have that baby missy. I'm telling you, we are gonna try and try until both of us give up. Alright?" I slowly nodded my head and Luke just held me. A few minutes later our food was delivered and Luke had lit candles and stuck them on the card table we were eating off of. We both ate supper then basically planned out our baby's room and thought of names, debated if it was gonna be a boy or a girl. "Luke, why are we talking about all this? I'm not even pregnant." "Well, tell me when you wanna start trying." He winked then brushed my bangs behind my ears. "Luke, I know it's gonna take a little while, but can we start?" "I thought you'd never ask." He kissed me then we cleaned up our food and set it on a tray outside our door. Luke came back in and laid down next to me. "Mrs. Bryan, you ready?" I bit my lip and nodded my head. He started kissing me passionately and rubbed his hands on my back.


So... Baby? No baby?😁

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